I am in the planning stage of basically the same swap but a 2wd. The only part Im not sure on is the wiring.
I am in the planning stage of basically the same swap but a 2wd. The only part Im not sure on is the wiring.
I have a link for someone if you need it. He has good feed back. But i am about to have he outfit a wiring harness for me. He can delete anything you are not going to run like rear 02, EGR etc.. and also have a link for someone that can reprogram the computer to run with out what you have deleted. just hit me up if you need the info. positive feed back on both people and prices are good.
If the guy's name is Oscar, save your time and money.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
Nelson performance made my harness. GREAT quality. and they build to your specs. Nelson Performance - Performance without Sacrificing Drivability