Originally Posted by
Hmmm...hearing that makes me think that you have an 01-02 PCM in your 2000 truck and the OS is not matched up correctly. Is the PCM your OEM one? Or is it a different one?
I would try the Relearn, and not worry about the battery light. Just imagine its not there. After bumping the key...wait ten minutes and watch the light to see if the Security light goes away and the battery light is the only one left... At that point, start the 2nd part of the relearn, etc. It should start.
If it was me, I would save the file, take the PCM to the dealer and have the PCM wiped completely clean. Then make them reflash the stock 2000 OS and tune file onto the PCM. Once the PCM is back in the truck, compare the tuned file to the stock file and make the changes. DO NOT copy and paste--cause you DO NOT want the other OS back on it when you write the calibration.