Engine | Transmission | Drive Axle | Chassis | Fuel
Found an LQ9 on craigslist for $450. http://charleston.craigslist.org/pts/2441963069.html I e-mailed the guy, he didn't leave a number, and am...
my 5.3 swapped 94 blazer is having some tcc issues i need help with. when in od going down the highway if i get to the slighest incline the tcc will...
Im looking into gears, trutrac and rebuild/installation kit and i need to know how big my rear end is, etc? i know its a 10 bolt but im not sure...
Does anybody know if anybody makes these. I ordered a slip yoke for my 4l80e (1350) and it is an inside snap ring whereas my driveshaft is an...
Does anyone know of a power steering pump delete kit for 2005 silverado? If so, please post the links.:rolly:
Here's the deal. Everything seems normal and runs fine but if I get into and run hard for say an 1/8 mile, within 30 seconds (what sounds like a...
I've heard of people relocating the IAT sensor. I'm curious what benefits this will yield and how is it done? I'm guessing it's not hard and I would...
Just bought some Monroes, hopefully I'll get em this week... I've never changed front shocks before, are they much harder than changing the back...
Might be a stupid question but, what size is the factory feed line on the crossover tube on the stock fuel rails? is it 3/8" or 5/16" ? This question...
since im still in the hospital with nothin to do ideas run wild in my head. what would u guys think about either a th350 or 400 with gear vendors and...
Will stock internals on my 2004 5.3 handle a 150 shot? Going to Nelsons to get a retune next week and was thinking if it would handle it, may as...
i was looking under the the truck last night.. trying to figure out this oil leak... well, fluid maybe so the motor APPEARS dry. the front drive...
anybody know where to get a good slip yoke, like a spicer 1350 yoke, and a pinion yoke for a 14bolt my truck is swaped and the driveshaft...
so a few days ago I noticed gear oil leaking from the front of my differential. Thinking it might be the pinion seal I replaced it. Went a few days...
... Thought I'd share. System consists of... Custom DBRods cell, 2-10an oulets, 12an inlet into eliminator pump, out 10an, into filters, to a 10an...
I have a 2004 Silverado 2500 I just put a forged 370 in for truck pulling in stock class and want to upgrade the clutch as it is slipping now any...
I was looking at Ron's Machining Service website and noticed they have the Detroit Trutrac and USA Gear Valuetrac and it says "similiar to Trutrac"....
Hi everyone, my truck after 6.0L swap has been running fine for a little over a year. The other day I was working on installing an electric fan...
im about to do a head gasket change on my 5.3L. got a weeping pass. side gasket and its time to pull them. Would you guys recommend the Cometic...
I got on the throttle to pass a truck and after i was around the truck mine shifted then went boom and would just rev up. it wont move in any gear...
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