Alright , this is the kind of deja` vu I don't like . I went through this about 6 months ago . The engine stalled and was starving for fuel just like it did when my fuel pump blew out a connector in the tank due to no regulator. I was able to determine that the fuel pump wasn't coming on and I checked the fuse block under the dash . There weren't any bad fuses and none were labeled fuel pump . I checked the pcm , injectors and a few others that probably didn't even apply in this case. I disconnected the battery for a minute and when I reconnected it the fuel pump seemed to make some noise but not the usual sounds . It would run for a few seconds and then die . What do you guys think ? By the way this fuel pump is 6 months old from NAPA. Oh well , there's another towing charge ! Thanks , amigos
I don't know how this got posted twice . Sorry .