What's up guys? Finally got a little time to work on the truck again and got almost all of the bugs worked out. No more codes, the clunkedy clunk noise I finally traced to the cats. I guess soemthing came loose inside so I'm gonna cut them out and weld some straight pipes in. No more tranny whining but I have to play around with the shift points and pressures so it won't shift like a wuss. I blew the power steering hose out and made one hell of a mess racing a Mustang GT but I spanked him good. Oh, and yesterday around 95 mph at WOT the #8 spark plug wire came off and I thought I screwed something up but all is well. I have the A/C hoses to install and I'm gonna get them made this week if things slow down and the temporary Ram Air box is just about complete except for cutting the holes in the bottom of my hood. I also lowered the front end a little more than I wanted and the air dam hits everything in site and the inner fender needs to be rolled so I don't cut through my tires. Other than that the truck runs great! Hope everyone's doing well. I'll be sliding in and out as work permits.