Hey guys, so I got this bright idea that I should move my PCM inside the cab to clean up the engine bay a lil. In order to do that I had to take the wiring harness off, move the PCM and then reinstall the harness. After I put all the wires where they go and try to start the truck nothing!
I turn the key to the ON position and the fuel pump kicks on to build pressure and shuts right back off (as usual). Now heres where it gets wierd. I wired up a push to start button so when I push the button the motor cranks. However, my fuel pump wont kick back on and Im not getting spark. Obviously the PCM is not aware that the motor is being cranked since I basically "Hot-Wired" the starter. I looked through all the schematics and PCM pins to see if missed something but I cant find anything. I did my own harness and Allen took off the VATS about a year and half ago. The truck was running fine till I decided to get into this. My question is: How do I get the PCM involved in starting procedure cuz Im sure thats problem. Any advice or ideas will be greatly apreciated.