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Thread: Strange problem after conversion?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I have completed my conversion on my Caprice with a 6.0 with LS6 manifold and TR224 cam, comp 918springs, Pacesetter headers. 7.4 pushrods, custom programing completed, converted from a ETC to manual throttle body, 80mm,Maf still has screen, wiring is a conversion from the donar vehicle, exhaust GHL 2.5 dual no x-over at moment.

    Have a really strange problem that I can not identify. Begging for help!!!

    Car starts up idles great, no problems, sounds good!!
    attempts to Rev motor the motor will not accelerate past 1100rpms. This is not a attempt to drive this is just a motor idleing and rev on the throttle.

    What I have checked so far:
    No codes posted,,(I can force a code)
    Fuel pressure 60 static, 59 at idle, 59 when attempting to rev.
    Double / triple checked all wiring and connections,, metered all (checked with ohm meter to ensure no impedence)and checked them back to PCM.. All looks good
    No manifold leaks, intake or exhaust,
    New spark plug wires - plugs,,
    Pulled motor apart check cam for walking and correct alignment and all OK.
    have NOT replaced Crank pos, cam position,
    New throttle pos.sens.
    new IAC

    With the car at this point its like getting a lap dance "TEASE" LOL

    I went out to do more checking / monitoring. Used a Auto Xray and seeing some strange things that may be pointing to possible bad PCM? or programing????

    Throttle position on autoxray never moves off of 0% ???
    I back probe the signal going into the PCM from the TPS and the Value changes from .45 volts to 4.6 volts.. Though Auto Xray tells me that the PCM is not recognizing the input from the TPS??
    Timing advance at idle = 28 degrees.
    When attempting to accelerate throttle it immediatly goes to 0 to 7 degrees. Motor will only RPM to about 1300?
    any thoughts recomendations????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    What wiring harness and what pcm are you using?

    Year, model, service number?

    Looks like a nice setup, looks very good!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Allen,, Thanks

    Using the Wiring harness that came with the motor from donar Vehicle. I did the wiring /Harness conversion.

    Donar Vehicle= (2002 Denali)
    Had to add several wires connections for the conversion from ETC to manaul throttle.

    PCM - 12200411,,
    Any thoughts suggestions greatly appreciated
    I am wondering it the company that did the "custom tuning" left something off of the program.

    Thanks Roger,,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Originally posted by TooBlue@Oct 31 2005, 08:14 AM
    Allen,, Thanks

    Using the Wiring harness that came with the motor from donar Vehicle. I did the wiring /Harness conversion.

    Donar Vehicle= (2002 Denali)
    Had to add several wires connections for the conversion from ETC to manaul throttle.

    PCM - 12200411,,
    Any thoughts suggestions greatly appreciated
    I am wondering it the company that did the "custom tuning" left something off of the program.

    Thanks Roger,,
    If you scan the the PCM, what calibration/VIN is in the pcm. What kind of vehicle was loaded in the pcm?

    Do you know if any or all of the codes were turned off.

    Did the donor vehicle have the etc tb, are you using the same pcm that came from the donor vehicle?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Allen ,I really dont have a way to See the Vin (Guess I should have bought HP Tuners or something like that! )but do know (Should have been) it was programmed for 2002.
    I know that all Smog related codes were turned off.
    I was also told that the ETC information was handled through programming.
    The Donar Vehicle was a ETC vehicle.

    Also this was a mail order tune, at the time , I did not know anyone here in Phoenix that could Bench program a 2002 PCM..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Central FL
    TooBlue .... when you had the PCM reprogrammed did they reprogram it for manual throttle of ETC? Sounds to me like it still thinks it has the electronic throttle ... Just a guess .... I might be way off.

    Nice setup though ... looks good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Originally posted by TooBlue@Oct 31 2005, 08:38 AM
    Allen ,I really dont have a way to See the Vin (Guess I should have bought HP Tuners or something like that! )but do know (Should have been) it was programmed for 2002.
    I know that all Smog related codes were turned off.
    I was also told that the ETC information was handled through programming.
    The Donar Vehicle was a ETC vehicle.

    Also this was a mail order tune, at the time , I did not know anyone here in Phoenix that could Bench program a 2002 PCM..
    What color are the plastic retainers on the pcm connectors? They migh have changed them, but for an '02 and earlier, they should be red and blue. Remove the pcm and check the color of them.
    Or, an easier way, does the pcm still have the sticker on it? You should have a 411 service number for an '02, but that still doesn't mean the truck had a manual throttle cable. They did etc in '02 as well.

    I'm finishing up a swap as I type, and it has an '05 5.3L in it, it was converted to a manual throttle, I'm ditching the '05 pcm and using an '02 truck pcm with a manual throttle. I'll keep you upated and let you know how it turns out.

    The problem you're describing sounds like the pcm isn't setup for the manual tb, or there are some iac and tps wiring issues.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Allen ,,

    What color are the plastic retainers on the pcm connectors?== Red and Blue..
    This was the PCM that came with motor for sure as I was there when it was pulled.
    For sure it was a ETC motor.

    Found out the guy did use "LS1 Edit" on the programming. I have asked him to send me the file. Not sure what I can do with it but asked for it anyway. I am guessing that he did not flash it or change the correct parameters for the ETC to Manual TB..

    On the PCM the Service number is === 12200411

    Yeah let me know what you find on the project you are working on. I am getting anxious to get this running. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated !!! Roger

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Red and blue are the right ones, and the service number matches, so you have a good pcm.
    Assuming nothing is wrong with the wiring and the mechanicals are good;
    I'd have the pcm flashed with a stock 2002 camaro vin if your engine is an ls1, or a 2002 stock 5.3L or 6.0L is it's a truck engine, then have vats turned off.
    I'd have it flashed not overwritten with a file from another vehicle.
    If it starts and runs, you're good to go, have all the codes turned off and add your performance tune.

    let us know,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Allen,, Thanks for the input
    Yeah the guy that programed the PCM sent me the file that he used. Do you know if there is a viewer that would allow me to see what is set? My guess is there is not one available. I am convinced, at this point, that he may have just done a custom tune (based on information I provided,cam,headers,intake,ETC) including turning off Vats? I do not think it was flashed with a stock 6.0 ( non ETC truck) before he started the custom tune. Will check with him though... This is good information to keep me moving forward!!! Roger

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