Hey guys,

Well it is time to get this project going. I was looking on CL for tools that people are selling. Can never have to many. came across an ad for a engine stand for 50, but must take the motor attached. The guy sent me some and it was a 5.3. Not sure the year, I know it is a DBW, with 862 heads. I went over there to check it out, I would not turn it over by hand, but it has all the injectors and sensors and coil packs, So I offered him 40, told him i was going to have to go home and unload the motor and take it to the scrap yard. He took it.

Well Now the bad news, still cant turn it over. Started to take it apart, this is probably the most neglected motor in the US. Took the pan off, there is so much sludge in the bottom on the pan. only 1 lifter came out, the rest can only come out half way. SO i have to figure that out. And I have loaded up the cylinders with some PB Blaster going to check to see if I can turn it over in the morning. Here are some pics.

$40 Motor and Stand
