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Thread: castech head question?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    castech head question?

    I was reading about the castech head cracking problem on the 4.8 and 5.3 engines. The GM bulletin lists 2001-2006 engines. Even though they didnt list it, was there any of this same issue on the 1999-2000 engines? Just wondering because i have a 1999 with the 4.8 that loses very small amounts of coolant over time and has developed a lifter that wants to tick..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    well, i answered my own question, YUP, sure enough, even though its a 1999, its got the castech leaking heads! Pulled the valve cover today and found the snotty looking stuff all over the bottom side of the valve cover and red coolant sitting around the center bolt hole. Thanks GM, and then say its only 2001-06. Must be more common than they say, my boss just got rid of his 2003 because of this, now mine..Now to find another engine, and then have to worry that it will do the same thing!! I

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Portland, OR
    I have a set of 862 heads that came off of my 01 5.3 with 100K on them. I took them off because I got 243s. PM me if you're interested and we can work something out.

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