No surprise - the stock 5.3 A/C compressor will not fit my chassis, but I knew this going in. After talking with a lot of different aftermarket A/C bracket companies, I decided to go with a A/C relocation bracket from a company called I had a few option with them: keep the 88's stock A/C system, or go with a Sanden compressor setup (I chose the former so I wouldn't have to change out a lot of parts).
The kit that the company recommended for my truck was the R4 A/C Relocation Bracket Turbo (LS-0278 1999-2013 Truck/SUV) which allows me to use the Blazer's original A/C system, except that I would need to get an R4 compressor for a 6 grove belt. While refused to tell me what compressor, belt and tensioner I would need until after I purchased the bracket set, I later learned that I would need A/C Delco 15-20227 (with a 4 1/4 clutch), a Gates K061045 belt, and a Gates 38163 tensioner. I don't know why they were so secretive with this information when I requested it, but here it is.
The kit is extremely light, there are minimal parts, the aluminum corners are sharp, and the instructions are pretty terrible. That's why I'm posting this with better pictures than what they provide. At this point, I have not got my tensioner, belt, or the correct compressor (they are in the mail), so I'll add to this later and let everyone know how it worked.
After screwing with the parts and trying to make since of the instructions for a little while, I think I discovered how this A/C kit goes together. First, remove your LS A/C compressor which is located at the bottom, passenger side of the engine (by the starter). If you are doing a swap like me, then you will need custom motor mount plates, and the stock A/C setup will get in the way of the plate anyway, so pull it. Second, shift the tensioner pulley so that you can slip the belt off it, and then unbolt it from the water pump housing (should have 3 bolts). Don't get rid of it because you will likely need to import the pulley onto your new bracket later.
Third, pull out your aftermarket A/C bracket kit which will relocate your R4 compressor to the top, passenger side of the motor. It's important to note that this bracket will prevent you from being able to use the stock air filter system, and you will need to use an aftermarket cold air intake system that is routed from the driver's side instead of the passenger's (no big deal - just note this in your budget).
I started with the smallest bolt which connects the back bracket to the passenger side head.
The back bracket plate should now be attached to the head with one bolt, and it should be separated by one of the shortest cylinders. Next, take the two 4 inch bolts, the front bracket plate, and the two medium sized cylinders and attach them to the water pump housing where the old tensioner pulley was.
There are two long bolts in the kit, but one is slightly longer than the other. Take the shorter of the two bolts and run it through both plates, one large cylinder, and the last short cylinder. The bolt goes through all of it and into the head.
Now, the longest bolt will be ran through the left side of both bracket plates, and it will attach your Gates 38163 Tensioner to the bracket (don't have mine yet). It will have a thread and washer on the back of it.
The remaining three holes (center and top two corners) will take the bolts that hold the compressor in place; they each get a nut as well. I have a picture below with the wrong compressor, but it still fits the same.
And, of course, just for fun I decided to put the air intake system on while the bracket and compressor were attached (doesn't come anywhere close to fitting, so don't bother).
I'll update this when I get everything running.