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Thread: cruise control 1988 c1500

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    cruise control 1988 c1500

    I got a 1988 c1500 drive by cable set up .ive had my 5.3 swap done for about a year now. I got the speedometer to work as well and im wanting to see how to hook up my factory cruise control to work. ive got the cables and everything hooked up to the throttle body. just wanting to see what else i have to do to get the cruise to work thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    fixed it the connector to cruise box was loose but now that cruise works the little indicator light on the gauge cluster wont come on anyone have any idea how to get it to work

  3. #3
    There's an indicator light on the gauge cluster for cruise?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Long Beach California
    i think he is talking about the gear indicator light. which all you need to do is splice in the 4 wires that go from the PNP connector on the range switch (located on the side of the trans) to the pcm. there are several threads about this on the forum. if you cut your wires from the old harness on accident like i did then you need to find them and splice them in. i just did a writeup about this explaining how to find them not long ago and its only a few posts down in the electical section...... all you need to do is search a little...... but ill give you the link anyway.


    this is for autos which i assume you have since you didnt mention. if you have a manual, idk how the range switch works on those and you will have to figure that one out on your own. but i assume its similar if not identical.

    congrats on getting your cruise figured out.
    Last edited by kewljay223; 02-28-2014 at 01:05 AM.
    Like Tumbler in "Gone in 60" I'll drive anything with wheels or without

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kewljay223 View Post
    i think he is talking about the gear indicator light. which all you need to do is splice in the 4 wires that go from the PNP connector on the range switch (located on the side of the trans) to the pcm. there are several threads about this on the forum. if you cut your wires from the old harness on accident like i did then you need to find them and splice them in. i just did a writeup about this explaining how to find them not long ago and its only a few posts down in the electical section...... all you need to do is search a little...... but ill give you the link anyway.


    this is for autos which i assume you have since you didnt mention. if you have a manual, idk how the range switch works on those and you will have to figure that one out on your own. but i assume its similar if not identical.

    congrats on getting your cruise figured out.
    In 1988 we only had a needle on a thin cable to indicate gear position. The cable attached to the column and when you moved the column shift it pulled the needle into RND... then had a small spring to pull it back to park position.

    I checked the wiring diagrams for the cruise and there isn't any circuit that includes an indicator light for when the cruise is on. However, it should be possible to put one in.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Long Beach California
    Quote Originally Posted by 88stepside View Post
    In 1988 we only had a needle on a thin cable to indicate gear position. The cable attached to the column and when you moved the column shift it pulled the needle into RND... then had a small spring to pull it back to park position.

    I checked the wiring diagrams for the cruise and there isn't any circuit that includes an indicator light for when the cruise is on. However, it should be possible to put one in.
    hhhmmmm... did not know they had that for our body style trucks... well then how was it lit before??? were all the gears lit at one time and the needle just indicated which one? or did a light move along with the needle? or...???
    Like Tumbler in "Gone in 60" I'll drive anything with wheels or without

    My 95 ECSB LQ9 build thread - http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/lsx-t...to-95-obs.html
    Stock 03 LQ9, DBW, 95' 4l80e w/ Transgo shift kit, 2010 50# GM injectors, 2800 Circle D stall, Spectre CAI, Upgraded trans cooler, Home-made E-fans/shroud, Dual EP-381 fuel pumps w/Home-made hotwire kit
    NEXT ON LIST: Dual Battery setup, CAM/Valvetrain upgrade, Build my own rear mount turbo, TRU-TRAC, HIT THE STRIP!!!

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