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Thread: Floored but no go!

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Floored but no go!

    Was wondering if anybody has experienced this same problem I swapped my 4.3 out for a lq9 an when it was finished I took it easy for the first week an when I finally did open it up it shot up to 6krpms but didnt move from a 60 punch it will do this at any speed below 70 but it will fly if I do a 70 punch no mods have been done to the stock 4l60e could it be the engine is too much for the tranny? Or could it be the tune? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is an annoying problem because nobody ever wants to do a 70punch lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Anacoco, La
    Sounds like clutches slipping

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    if the trans is shifting normally and going thru the gears correctly, the trans is probably slipping; check fluid level.

  4. #4
    1st gear is the only one that doesn't shift correctly I have to give gas to 3500 to 4000 rpms or 25 or 30mph an let off the gas like if it was standard for it shift into 2nd any thoughts on that

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    is there a vss signal coming from the pcm?
    use a scanner; or does ur speedometer gauge work?

  6. #6
    Yes the speedometer works fine no problems out of that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    if thats the case anytime i see that, it's the trans. u didnt mention any codes.

  8. #8
    I don't have a scanner I'd have to take to the guy who did the swap to see if its throwing any codes
    But I also have the trans go shift kit throwing that in might fix the problem you think?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    you gotta be for sure on this; and this is where a scanner comes into play.
    sounds like u described it correctly, stayin in first, but...

    could the trans be shifting into second and you not knowing it because the 2nd band isnt holding?

    if it's not coming out of first and its a dirty valvebody, you might get lucky; but these transmissions are notorious for failing.

  10. #10
    I'd have to hook it up to be certain. But I know the rep on the 4l60e this Is my 2nd one actually lol. But I'm see if I can get a video from 0 an one from 60

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