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Thread: 95 v6 swap questions

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    95 v6 swap questions

    Alright so I seen the threads on these obs ls conversions but I need a little guidance as for my motor mounts I have a 95 v6 tbi what will I need to do, and also I heard my 95 fuel pump should work and some people say before 96 I need to change to a diffrent pump. Any suggestions guys ? Need all the help I can get I already purchased the motor 03 5.3 vortec 85,*** miles with harness pcm and all accessories included and the 6.0l fly wheel to use with my old tranny and I only have a fed gas line on the intake no return.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Austin Tx.
    That thread at the very top, the one you probably read will guide you through all of those questions you have:

    1951 3100
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    Alright so I seen the threads on these obs ls conversions but I need a little guidance as for my motor mounts I have a 95 v6 tbi what will I need to do, and also I heard my 95 fuel pump should work and some people say before 96 I need to change to a diffrent pump. Any suggestions guys ? Need all the help I can get I already purchased the motor 03 5.3 vortec 85,*** miles with harness pcm and all accessories included and the 6.0l fly wheel to use with my old tranny and I only have a fed gas line on the intake no return.
    I am in the process of that exact swap now. U have to tear out the V6 mounts. Use a cutting
    wheel and air chisel to break the rivets holding the V6 mounts to the frame. Installing the V8 mounts are straight formats. I had my old man with an impact gun screwing in the bolts up top of the mounts as I was holding the bolts from the bottom in-between the frame. People have said that u have to remove the lower control arm, that's B.S. There is a gap between lower control arm and the frame. Get a long extension with swivel head and u are "f***king golden" !! I did it with some loc tite. Only had to use three bolts per mount to hold in place. I changed my fuel pump to a 1996 c1500 V8 model and it was easier when the bed is removed.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2003
    I left the V-6 frame mounts in place. I simply fabbed two U-shaped steel motor mounts, that bolted right up to the block. Been in use for 10 years with no issues.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by LS1GMCTruck View Post
    I left the V-6 frame mounts in place. I simply fabbed two U-shaped steel motor mounts, that bolted right up to the block. Been in use for 10 years with no issues.
    Do you have pics of the steel plates you used ? Im looking for the easiest painless way to mount the motor lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    San Antonio, TX Area
    You will have to use the 96 up fuel pump.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by droopyzda1 View Post
    I am in the process of that exact swap now. U have to tear out the V6 mounts. Use a cutting
    wheel and air chisel to break the rivets holding the V6 mounts to the frame. Installing the V8 mounts are straight formats. I had my old man with an impact gun screwing in the bolts up top of the mounts as I was holding the bolts from the bottom in-between the frame. People have said that u have to remove the lower control arm, that's B.S. There is a gap between lower control arm and the frame. Get a long extension with swivel head and u are "f***king golden" !! I did it with some loc tite. Only had to use three bolts per mount to hold in place. I changed my fuel pump to a 1996 c1500 V8 model and it was easier when the bed is removed.
    Thanks for the info so that means I can't use my 95' fuel pump ? Hows your build comming along what else dis you change ?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    Thanks for the info so that means I can't use my 95' fuel pump ? Hows your build comming along what else dis you change ?
    Don't know if u can use your 95 fuel pump. Try looking online and cross referencing the part numbers between the '95 and '96. Motor and trans are in. I made a custom bracket for the original C1500 a/c compressor. Electronic fans and radiator are in. I am in the middle of installing the stand alone wire harness I modded. The PCM was reprogrammed fromthe guy at lt1swap.com. I am hoping to get it running in the next couple weeks. I have limited time working on the truck. Its going on 6 months now since I started. No rushing on a project like this unless its your daily driver. Mine will be a weekend runner.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    Thanks for the info so that means I can't use my 95' fuel pump ? Hows your build comming along what else dis you change ?
    Cross reference the '95 fuel pump to the '96 V8 fuel pump. It maybe the same. I have the motor and trans in. I used dirty dingo mounts, so the trans is in the same spot as it was with the 4.3. Driveshaft bolted it up. I removed the bed to change the fuel pump so since the bed was off, it was a lot easier for me to put the lowering shackles, hangers and lowering shocks. All accessories are bolted up. I modded the 4.3 A/C compressor bracket to fit on the 5.3 so I can retain the original C1500 compressor. Radiator and electric fans are in. PCM is reprogrammed from the guy at lt1swap.com . Now I am working on the harness. At the rate that I am going, it should be running in a couple weeks. It has been 6 months since I started the swap. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, finally !!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by droopyzda1 View Post
    Cross reference the '95 fuel pump to the '96 V8 fuel pump. It maybe the same. I have the motor and trans in. I used dirty dingo mounts, so the trans is in the same spot as it was with the 4.3. Driveshaft bolted it up. I removed the bed to change the fuel pump so since the bed was off, it was a lot easier for me to put the lowering shackles, hangers and lowering shocks. All accessories are bolted up. I modded the 4.3 A/C compressor bracket to fit on the 5.3 so I can retain the original C1500 compressor. Radiator and electric fans are in. PCM is reprogrammed from the guy at lt1swap.com . Now I am working on the harness. At the rate that I am going, it should be running in a couple weeks. It has been 6 months since I started the swap. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, finally !!
    Thanks for the info, and sounds like its comming along quite nicely what schocks did you use becase im looking for some for mine as well I have a 3/6in. Drop

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