Hello all and thanks for having such an awesome site full of info. I've been reading for days on these forums and just haven't came across what I needed. I am about to start swapping in a ls1/t56 combo in my 86 swb. I have the complete donor car which is an 02 camaro. I'm saving the wiring, ecu, motor, trans, fans and radiator. Ill be using dirty dingo mounts, some have said Fbody long tubes will work? Also in the near future I plan to go forced induction so my main concern right now is to just sell the ls1 and harness and find a 6.0? I haven't seen a thread in any website where anyone has a t56 in the 80s model c10. I'm worried about clearance and shifter location due to the fact that it so far back on the trans. Also will the fbody engine accessories fit with this swap or do I need to find truck style brackets? I want to run a/c for sure. I'm gonna stick with electric fans instead of manual. Any info or help on this would be great, I could sit and type for hours with questions. Thanks in advance for any help!! When I start I plan to be posting posting info and progress pictures every day.