Stall Converter Question
I wanted to pick everyone's brain about what to do about a TC. I drive a '05 SS with AWD and I'm leaning towards a bigger stall. I've read a lot on here about the size of the TC affecting the trans temp. I was thinking about going with about a 10.5 Circle D with about a 3000 stall. The tranny has a shift kit and I was wondering if that size stall would fall in the grey area of performance and longevity. I guess I'm assuming a higher stall will put more strain on the trany on top of it being AWD. Is this assumption wrong? I would really like to go with a higher stall but I know how weak these 65e's can be.
2005 AWD Silverado SS-CAI, Shorties, X pipe, SLP Loudmouth II, HD2 Shift kit, Corvette servo, tru-cool 40k, Yank SS3600, 160 Stat, Nelson tune.