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Thread: 5.3 wiring woes.

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  1. #1

    5.3 wiring woes.

    I did do a search but didn't find any info pertaining to my issue.

    I have a '96 GMC sierra that has a 2005 5.3 & 4l60e sitting in it. I sent both harnesses off to be made into a stand alone. Well, I get the thing back and it's not making any sense. The guy was supposed to label everything and it wasnt and I think that a lot of the wires are too short.

    Does anyone happen to have a picture of their stand alone harness that might have labels on the connectors? Or can you help me identify these plugs?

    I have a creepy feeling that I might have to take it out and try to fix it or spend another $650 at Nelson (which I should have done in the first place).
    Attached Images
    Last edited by lost06; 08-24-2012 at 11:49 AM.

  2. #2
    I have the injectors, Alternator, coils, DBW / throttle body, A/C, Crank position, temp, evap and Abs identified and hooked up. I can't find one for the Oil on the back of the block or the one on the left side of the oil pan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    You'll wanna use the stock original oil sender that came with the truck so it'll work with the '96 cluster/gauge.
    The oil level on the side of the pan isn't needed.
    Neither is the oil pressure, lol, but it comes in handy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mesa, AZ
    Should have had Nelson build your harness in the first place. Maybe call the guy who built it and send him the bill for the new harness??
    99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned

  5. #5
    Bang, Believe me when I say I am kicking myself in the butt for not going with them in the first place.

    Farmtruk, Thanks for the input. I'll pull mine off and switch it.

    BTW: What else isn't needed. I want the least amount of wires and we have no emission laws where I live.

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