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Thread: 99' Suburban Transfer case problem.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    99' Suburban Transfer case problem.

    Recently bought a 99' Suburban at an auction and within 10 minutes of driving I noticed a "clicking" sound at low speeds. Originally I thought that it was a hub and it would be an easy fix. On looking into it deeper it turns out that the hubs are fine, rotors are more warped that my sense of humour, but no noise.

    Turns out that the transfer case is the problem and I need it fixed asap.

    Has anyone else had a similar situation?

    I am thinking to drop out the original and replace it with a used one, as I live in Japan and parts are nonexistent. Once I have the replacement in I will then work on the old one and keep as a spare.

    The "Burb" didn't even come with an owners manual, so I am flying in the dark here. Any links that you may be could share would be very helpful.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

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