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Thread: No tcc lockup

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  1. #1

    No tcc lockup

    Been busy chasing down loose ends after swapping a 5.3 in my 94 blazer. Got most things wrapped up except the tcc. Current did the harness and ECM, and he's not sure what my problem is. Brake switch is wired up via an extra relay to supply power to tcc but it will not lock up. ECM is getting mph and brake switch is registered in the data list but tcc is not commanded on. Any ideas? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Broken Bow, OK
    Showing any SES codes? Misfire in particular.

  3. #3
    Yea it had/has codes some were from initial start up others came back but no current or history misfires

  4. #4
    Codes are p0172 and p0175 (fuel trim rich both banks), P0650 (mil not wire to come on), and a p1860. Waiting on a call back from current to trouble shoot, just not real hopeful.

  5. #5
    bump, anyone? been reading/getting conflicting info. some have said the code 1860 for pwm is keeping tcc from locking and to just program the code out. others have said the 1860 is due to my tranny not having the pwm and should not affect actual lockup. what gives.

  6. #6
    Are you using the 94 transmission? I had an issue with an older 95 truck pcm trying to run a non-pwm trans, I had to reflash my chip to turn off the DTC for the pwm solenoid before the pcm would command lockup. I know its apples to oranges, but the newer pcm's could still use this same logic for lockup.

  7. #7
    yea, using the 94 trans. trans is ran off the 02 ecm now, not the original ecm. im torn between paying a mobile tuner to turn off the dtc and hope it works, or put in the newer style internal harness and add the pwm. both cost about the same but adding the pwm is more work and i honestly dont need it.

  8. #8
    If anyone is interested, had the 1860 turned off by a local guy and I now have lockup. Hope this helps someone else down the road. Now I need steeper gears haha

  9. #9
    Thats great news for anyone doing a circa 94 swap. How are you liking the 5.3 in the blazer so far? I have a 94 blazer myself, been thinking about doing a swap to mine as well.

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