As you guys might no i have a 90 454ss and i fell upon a 6.0 that my buddy had in his shop and decided that that motor would look good in my truck. Ive been doing allot of planning and here is what i got so far. I have not touched the low end (the motor has 30000 old man miles on it) and i plan on doing a cam swap but am not sure yet witch one i want. i have also put the Edelbrock proflow xt intake with the fuel rails and the 90mm throtle body. I am planning on doing a twin turbo setup. the kit i found has twin t4 mp70's .68 ar twin 38mm tial wastegates tial 50mm bov. this is the first time i have ever delt with a turbo set up so any help would be awesome. Ive been doing alot of reading about sd tunes and about the maf and if i do the maf where do i put it. i plan on putting the duel walbro 255 in the tank and i was wondering if i should do a regular return system or a return-less system. also a any part numbers would be helpful. this is kind of a budget build but i dont want to cut corners to save money. i want to do it rite so less problems down the road.