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Thread: need a little help with my build

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    East Hampton CT

    need a little help with my build

    As you guys might no i have a 90 454ss and i fell upon a 6.0 that my buddy had in his shop and decided that that motor would look good in my truck. Ive been doing allot of planning and here is what i got so far. I have not touched the low end (the motor has 30000 old man miles on it) and i plan on doing a cam swap but am not sure yet witch one i want. i have also put the Edelbrock proflow xt intake with the fuel rails and the 90mm throtle body. I am planning on doing a twin turbo setup. the kit i found has twin t4 mp70's .68 ar twin 38mm tial wastegates tial 50mm bov. this is the first time i have ever delt with a turbo set up so any help would be awesome. Ive been doing alot of reading about sd tunes and about the maf and if i do the maf where do i put it. i plan on putting the duel walbro 255 in the tank and i was wondering if i should do a regular return system or a return-less system. also a any part numbers would be helpful. this is kind of a budget build but i dont want to cut corners to save money. i want to do it rite so less problems down the road.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    You're gonna get a lot of different answers and suggestions/opinions with this post, so hear is mine.

    Engine sounds like a good start, just leave it all stock and if you're interested in a cam, get a ahold of one of the custom cam spec guys, we use PatG.
    That intake and throttle body are fine. You're gonna need some big injectors, if you're planning on doing more in the future, don't waste your money and do the injectors one time!
    I know I always say it, but do some 75 or 95lb low imp injectors. One thing you don't wanna be cheap on or save on, is the fuel system. Once it's all done, it really sux to see fuel pressure drop or injector duty cycle max out.
    Use an aeromotive regulator, your choice on location. 1/2" or 3/8" feed line is plenty, just like with the injectors, if you're going big, just do the -8 or 1/2" and be done, -6 or 3/8" is plenty for the return. Only option should be a return style fuel system.
    Those two turbos will provide more than enough power for anything you throw at it. The .68's are just right for the 6L size. I run two MP76 ball bearing turbos with .96 a/f on my 408.
    50mm bov is fine. It goes between the throttle body and intercooler.
    With this build, i'd recommend going speed density, no maf required, just an iat sensor from an fbody. Location for iat: right in front or close to the throttle body. Mine is in the egr location on the ls intake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    East Hampton CT
    yeah thanks allot. i was planning on running 75lb injectors i just forgot to put that in my original post

  4. #4
    Damn, that sounds like its gonna be a beast.
    Dual 255s... Feed the beast.
    Sounds cool

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    East Hampton CT

    its in only took me 15 min by my self

    Last edited by Bad 454ss; 05-04-2011 at 10:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Good progress

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