02 Chevy 4l60e 5.3l
O.k. here is my issue when truck is idling it has a miss. It all started when I did swap from my stock 5.3 to forgen 5.7 and it had the same problem but come to fine out the rings never seated so I pulled the motor and put a stock 5.3l back in the truck. I'm looking for things to check. I replaced the sensors in the throttle body, spark plugs, wires, the coil packs, and that didn’t help. I'm not getting any codes at all. When I start the truck-up for the first time its little rough then clear-up to a miss. You would think when turning on the a/c it would fall on it face with a miss but it doesn't keep idling fine with very little miss. I would think if I had a vacuum leak or intake leak my long fuel trims would be maxed out. The other thing is it doesn't start missing until come to complete stop after driving. Do you guys think there is ground issue and one sensor just not reading right at idle? It's not the tune because it is the stock tune on the truck. Any ideas would be help full that would cause this.