I bought an 06 lq4 but didnt get the throttle body, pedal, or tac module. Does anyone know where I can get these? I have a dbc if anyone has the sticky for the dbw to dbc swap but id rather just stick to drive by wire to make it easier.
I bought an 06 lq4 but didnt get the throttle body, pedal, or tac module. Does anyone know where I can get these? I have a dbc if anyone has the sticky for the dbw to dbc swap but id rather just stick to drive by wire to make it easier.
and I call myself a mechanic...
1983 Ford Ranger- 2.3 to 205k mile 6.0 swap
Ya I seen that but Im not allowed to post on for sale forum for some reason. Plus I need the pedal and tac module but i'll pm him anyway.
and I call myself a mechanic...
I have an extra TB off an 04 if you wanna buy?
Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:
Psalms 144:1
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Pm sent...
and I call myself a mechanic...