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Thread: Headers for obs 4x4?

  1. #1

    Headers for obs 4x4?

    Does anyone know of or are running headers in an obs 4x4? I know you can find them for the 2wd but ive looked and looked and for the life of me cant find any for 4wd. I know the obs has tighter frame rails so i dont think headers for newer 4wd will work. Anybody fabbed there own? swappin in a 6.0 andlike to get as much out of the way as possible. trucks a 92 rcsb 4wd.
    and I call myself a mechanic...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Durant, Ok
    I've been looking myself, I'm in the middle of my swap. The most I have found is NITROUS a member on hear was gonna be making the only long tubes to fit our obs 4x4s. But he kinda disappeared I think I have messaged him with no reply. I was told s&p may have a mid length to fit? But I haven't done any checking
    Josh ----- 95 Z71 ecss -6.0 swap finished 10k miles ago, nelson tuned, built tranny, 2800 converter, 4.56s truetrac
    2000 z28 a4 longtubes, true duals, ported throttle body, ls6 intake, slp lid (lost in divorce lol)
    79 camaro small block street car 11.60 @ 116 (sold)

  3. #3
    I figured thats how it would be-either mids or fab your own. Im kinda more budget oriented right now anyway so i guess ill use these ugly manifolds unless sombody else chimes in.
    and I call myself a mechanic...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Durant, Ok
    I was kinda hoping someone would chime in too. But oh well, if there was some available I probably would have found them or heard about em by now. I think us guys are just playing the waiting game
    Josh ----- 95 Z71 ecss -6.0 swap finished 10k miles ago, nelson tuned, built tranny, 2800 converter, 4.56s truetrac
    2000 z28 a4 longtubes, true duals, ported throttle body, ls6 intake, slp lid (lost in divorce lol)
    79 camaro small block street car 11.60 @ 116 (sold)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    san antonio TX
    schoenfield makes headers for 88-98 LS motor swaps,but i believe they only work for 2wd trucks. might want to try and search if 99-06 silverado headers work.
    1982 c10 lsx swaped, NP tuned, true duals, 4:11s, trutrac, e-fans, CAI

  6. #6
    I bought schoenfields for my 92 k1500. I ended up having to modify the driver header to fit otherwise it will be right in the way of the front driveshaft.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Durant, Ok
    Quote Originally Posted by coastsidekid View Post
    I bought schoenfields for my 92 k1500. I ended up having to modify the driver header to fit otherwise it will be right in the way of the front driveshaft.
    How much modifying did it take to make em work? Can you post pics?
    Josh ----- 95 Z71 ecss -6.0 swap finished 10k miles ago, nelson tuned, built tranny, 2800 converter, 4.56s truetrac
    2000 z28 a4 longtubes, true duals, ported throttle body, ls6 intake, slp lid (lost in divorce lol)
    79 camaro small block street car 11.60 @ 116 (sold)

  8. #8
    On the drivers side i cut the collector off and Welded 3inch pipe that kicked out the collector so that the exhaust could make its way around the drive shaft.
    Last edited by coastsidekid; 03-19-2011 at 12:28 PM.

  9. #9
    So the passenger side cleared the frame? Doesnt look like too much work to get that driver side to work and 250 a set is worth a shot. Thanks!
    and I call myself a mechanic...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Fargo, North Dakota
    If that's all it takes then why doesn't Shoenfield offer them?

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