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Thread: I have a ? and i need you guys help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Exclamation I have a ? and i need you guys help.

    I just build this pass winter a 2002 5.3 Lm7 for my truck. its the first motor i built from a bare block. well i went to change oil on it today and when i pulled out the drainplug i noticed that there was some metal on the magnet. not shavings but a very fine almost powder like. the motor has maybe 500 miles on it. is this normal for a new motor just breaking in or do i have a problem i should be worried about?
    White 1992 C1500 RIP, lost to fire
    Orange 1997 C1500 Autocross truck

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    McPherson KS
    The engine I just put into my car did the same thing the first time I changed the oil and I still have yet to have any problems with it. Some metal in the oil is somewhat expected after break in. Unless you have big chunks you should be good if it keeps runnin fine.
    Always buying things I dont need to impress people I dont know

  3. #3
    must have used some fairly loose clearances, which is fine but typically will be a few more metal shavings than a tight motor so to speak. most of the motors i have built have almost 0 metal shavings but i use really tight clearances

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