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Thread: problems with the 1.8's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dacula, GA

    problems with the 1.8's

    ok for starters....i know this isn't a real power gain. anyways, today i pulled my stock 1.7 rockers and replaced them with summit 1.8 rollers. torqued everything down to the spec and got everything put back and tried to fire it up and nothing...... the engine will turn over but there is no hint of it even wanting to fire. i dont know what to do. i checked all the igniton and fuel set up and its all fine. the kit did come with different bolts and washers than the stock set up but the instructions that were sent with the kit said the stock bolts were to be used. so i used the stock bolts with the 1.8's instead of the new bolts. they were the same length so i didnt figure it to be a big deal. when i crank it it seems like the valves arent closed and there is just no compression. i dont understand how such a small change could leave the valves stuck open like that. i could really use any advice if anyone has anything. thanks
    '02 GMC Sierra 4.8L
    CAI, Granatelli MAF, 90mm TB, 1.8 roller rockers, JET tune, true dual Flowmaster race mufflers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Broken Bow, OK
    Did you make sure the push rods were seated in the middle of the lifters? If they are off to the side it would make them longer holding the valve open.

    Did you use the new washer with the stock bolts? Supposed to. Correct side facing up?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dacula, GA
    The pushrods were seated correctly but I didn't use the washers....what does that do since I didn't? Is that just going to hold them open? I was confused with the way it was telling me to set it up since the stock set up is just the bolt and the rocker. Should the washer fix my problem? Because as of now it just seems like there is no compression at all so the starter is just turning the engine and nothing else.
    '02 GMC Sierra 4.8L
    CAI, Granatelli MAF, 90mm TB, 1.8 roller rockers, JET tune, true dual Flowmaster race mufflers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Broken Bow, OK
    Is this the set that comes with the u-channel bracket? Did you put that in?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    the additional lift may have bottomed out the plunger in the lifter and now the valves are being held open even at the point on the cam where the valve used to be closed. Sounds like you may need some kind of spacer between the bottom of the rocker and the rocker stand.

    What brand of rocker? If they're Scorpion rockers then you need to put the washer on the bolt with the chamfer side towards the head of the bolt and then put it in the rocker.
    Last edited by RedHeartbeat; 07-10-2010 at 10:31 PM.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dacula, GA
    I'm not sure what the u-channel bracket it exactly. All the kit came with was the set of rocker arms, the new studs(allen studs by the way), and the so called washers that are half moon on one side and flat on the other. I didn't use the new bolts or the washers and from what you're saying, I'm thinking that the rocker is just too far down on the valvespring and it's holding it open. The instructions said to but the washer, half moon side up, on the factory bolt, and then put it on the rocker and then mount it. The whole washer idea seemed really weird though so I didn't bother with it. I kind of think that is my problem.
    '02 GMC Sierra 4.8L
    CAI, Granatelli MAF, 90mm TB, 1.8 roller rockers, JET tune, true dual Flowmaster race mufflers.

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