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Thread: Differential Help!!!!

  1. #1

    Differential Help!!!!

    Long Story. At first my stock open-diff went out on me, so I when ahead and got me a 4.56/tru-trac from "Ron's Machining Services" (Good Guy by the way). After finally deciding on who was going to be performing the install, I decided on a mechanic whom "supposedly" said he knew how to install a differential perfectly. Well he didn't he did something wrong and the diff was whining like crazy. Finally I bought a new gear set, got this one installed and seems quite now. But one more problem, now I have a leak coming from the pinion seal?? Ive bought the seal already, But I read your supposed to use a New pinion nut everytime. So I wanted to know How much do I torque the nut down too? Is the yoke suppose to have some play?? Mine turns a bit back and forth, and I don't know if thats normal.

    Thanks In Advance
    Last edited by RichardLSX; 07-05-2011 at 11:36 AM.
    4.56/Detroit Trutrac
    Long Tube Headers
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    OEM E - Fans
    Procharger/Waiting to be installed..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    You have trouble if your pinion moves in and out. Quit driving it until you get it fixed. Two bad rear end builds in a row. Take it to someone that knows what they're doing.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Plainfield, IL
    Sometimes it's worth the money. Spend the extra couple hundred now, and save the money on a tow/rebuild later. The tools for rears and the experience needed to do them RIGHT just isn't something must of us here can do.
    blown transmissions are about as useful as 97% of the guys on this forum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    where are you located?? i'm in Paris Texas, i would be happy to check it out for you.. i have done 100+ rear ends in the last couple years, and i have never torqued a pinion nut, its all a feel thing for me.. but i do recommend using new nuts every time.. if it moves any at all, you have issues and as stated, do not drive until fixed..

    on a note about gears whining, a lot of times, it is not an installer error.. certain brands of gears (Richmond and Yukon namely) do whine.. I will not install Richmond gears, and Yukons if i can help it, but sometimes thats all i can find for certain ratios..
    Truck: 05 GMC CCSB SLT Z71,
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    Look Better: 10K HID's lows & fogs, tinted Chevy tails

  5. #5
    Well this set of gears aint whinning, "thank God", and the yoke turns just a bit, but not in and out, just turns a little bit, Im located in Pasadena, TX by the way
    Last edited by RichardLSX; 06-17-2010 at 12:36 PM.
    4.56/Detroit Trutrac
    Long Tube Headers
    Cold Air Intake
    OEM E - Fans
    Procharger/Waiting to be installed..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Side to side turn is just the backlash of the gears.. That is fine.. In and out would be bad.. You shouldn't have more than about 1/8th turn max depending on how loose or tight your rear end is set up..? Sorry I can't help you with tork specs, I've just never done it that way..
    Truck: 05 GMC CCSB SLT Z71,
    Go Faster: 5.3, 219/227 .607/.614 112, milled heads, eBay CAI, Circle D 2800, 3030 Built 60E, E-Fans, 3030 Tuned, LT's, Spintech Muffler, DuraGrip w/ 3.73's
    Look Better: 10K HID's lows & fogs, tinted Chevy tails

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ImportThis View Post
    Side to side turn is just the backlash of the gears.. That is fine.. In and out would be bad.. You shouldn't have more than about 1/8th turn max depending on how loose or tight your rear end is set up..? Sorry I can't help you with tork specs, I've just never done it that way..

    1/8th max? thats .125 which is way to much for backlash
    Simple: 408 on steroids!
    single digits coming soon!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    if you grab the pinion yoke, and turn it, you shouldnt turn it more than 1/8th of a rotation.. you shouldnt be able to turn it anywhere near that much on a street driven vehicle, but i have seen them in dirt modifieds that are set up that loose..
    Truck: 05 GMC CCSB SLT Z71,
    Go Faster: 5.3, 219/227 .607/.614 112, milled heads, eBay CAI, Circle D 2800, 3030 Built 60E, E-Fans, 3030 Tuned, LT's, Spintech Muffler, DuraGrip w/ 3.73's
    Look Better: 10K HID's lows & fogs, tinted Chevy tails

  9. #9
    Thanks for the replies, I read there should be 15-17 inch preload on it, not torqued. Hopefully I can fix the leak myself
    4.56/Detroit Trutrac
    Long Tube Headers
    Cold Air Intake
    OEM E - Fans
    Procharger/Waiting to be installed..

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