i have a 95 tahoe that i have put a 99 lq4 in and my new harness has a oil pressure output and i was wondering witch of the three wires on my 95 harness oil pressure sender plug would be the signal to the gauge? i disected the sender and it looked like the center wire but i want to make sure. also can i just cut the plugs off and tuck in the unused wires from the 95 harness? right now i have all the things i need off of the 95 harness seperated out but the unused plugs are to big to put wire loom over so they have to go somehow. i do want to keep the wires there just incase for some crazy reason i was to put a tbi engine back in and i could just keep the plugs and reconnect if that was the case. also with the hydroboost power steering pump can i just plug off the third hose because i have all new brake booster and master cylinder so i want to use them. and one last thing, is my factory tach going to work with the signal from the lq4 computer or do i need a signal converter? i appreciate any help. thanks