My 5.3 took and dump (Cracked Head) and I found a 2005 5.3 to swap in. Is there anything I need to be aware of for the swap since it s a gen IV? The 05 comes complete from pan to intake.
My 5.3 took and dump (Cracked Head) and I found a 2005 5.3 to swap in. Is there anything I need to be aware of for the swap since it s a gen IV? The 05 comes complete from pan to intake.
2005 will not be a GenIV. Swap them out and have fun.
One way to tell the Gen3 from the GenIV engine is to look at the color of the crank position sensor, just above the starter solenoid in the passenger side of the block. If the sensor is black, its Gen3 and if its grey/white then its GenIV.
Last edited by RedHeartbeat; 12-17-2009 at 09:03 PM.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here...
Whoops thought in 05 it went to gen IV's. Sweet! I was worried that it might have a 58x reluctor wheel