Hi all. Wanted to drop in and sign up. HI ALL! My name is Tony and i live in PA. I own a sign and decal shop "www.decaldriven.com" and am also going back to school for my teaching degree. I just got a Silverado SS and wanted to get into a good forum. I am not new to the "SS" family. I have had a 06 MonteCarlo SS, 07 Trailblazer SS, and now my 04 Silverado SS. Traded a 08 Mustang GT since i needed something to raise a family in. Getting married in spring of 2010 and had to grow up some. She wants kids soon after the wedding so i had to get on the ball. lol.. Got a screamin deal on the SS, payment went down like $100 and the insurance will go WAY down. I am NOT a ford guy and have no idea why i got one of those. I really love the truck and waste no time to get into mods. The 4 doors are great and it is LOADED with everything option you can get. I have many questions and i know you guys will know the anwsers right off the bat. "God i love forums". again, sorry for the load of questions, but here they are.....
- There was a Bullet Exhaust on the truck when i got it, dual rear exit. Any good? not that loud tho.. I am thinking of side exit exhaust, in front of the rear wheels, both sides. Anyone make these? or is it a custom install?? pics??
- I am really leaning towards the "murdered out" look. I did this to my M109R and love it. My wheels will need some paint or powder coat. I know there are many that have done this. What is the best way?? I painted the rims on my bike. satin black. so far they have worked out.
- There is a K&N in the stock airbox, and that will be tore off. What is a good "Cheaper" CAI? not much $$ to throw around right now. I will do all or most of the mods myself. Making custom parts is all the fun.
- my MPG right now is 16 average. Tuners always help, what is a good one for the SS V8?? Tho right now i have a heavy right foot. miss burnouts tho, love AWD, but not as much fun..
Ya ya yaaa. I know, i have a ton of questions and some of you guys will be like.. search is your friend.. lol.. sorry about that. But wanted to get it all in one post. I am going to design up some stripes. Don't know if i want hockey stripes or 12" racing stripes with accent pinstripes. Either one will most likely be flat black or some other very "low Key" color. I like the ghosted look. I am thinking flat black wheels and flat black stripes..
well. I have typed too much.. thanks in advance for all your help..