about to do a swap in my 05, the 6.0 long block is out of a 05 as well. is there anything that i will need or will all my original 5.3 stuff swap over??
about to do a swap in my 05, the 6.0 long block is out of a 05 as well. is there anything that i will need or will all my original 5.3 stuff swap over??
It will all swap over.
You might want to look into bigger injectors. The 24#s max out when going to a 6.0 Good luck, let us know how it goes for ya!
04 GMC Regency - Building a 6.0 Comp 7.4" Hi-Tech Pushrods, Patriot Performance 8401 Spring Kit, Comp Double Roller Timing Chain, ARP Rod Bolts, ARP Head Bolts, Cam - I dont know yet, any suggestions???
89 Chevy Cheyenne - 10/24/09 Time of death declaired at 8:16pm.
it should just dont go stamping on the gas before getting it tuned.
2004 Silverado:THELSX L.M.E LSX 454 C.I tuned by Llavero 11.1 N/A @121 MPH
2004 Sierra:GUNSLINGER L.M.E LSX 427C.I,Twin Borg Warner/Forced Induction 76mm, th400, Ford 9" with ladder bar
Awesome. Thanks guys
straight forward swap!!
any mod plans before installing?
Simple: 408 on steroids!
single digits coming soon!
its cammed with tsp heads, fresh build