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Thread: Ls6 Camshaft Swap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Ls6 Camshaft Swap

    (newbie, First Post) Sorry If This Has Already Been Answered, But I Searched For 3 Days And Didn't Find An Answer To My Question. I Am Putting A 2004 Ls6 Camshaft In My 5.3l(stock, Other Than A Cai, Electric Fans And Nelson Tune)i Need To Know If Different Length Push Rods And Valve Springs Are Needed To Properly Install This Ls6 Cam. If So, What Is The Length And Brand Of These Two Parts. Thanks In Advance, Nicholas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Kerman, CA
    has far as i know, its just of taking the your 5.3 cam out and putting the ls6 cam in.. but i am going to be putting the ls6 cam too in my 5.3l, ill be changin the timing set for a new one, and just putting in new lifters just to be safe, since my truck has 116k on the clock... but no you shouldnt need nothing change but just be safe just change out the parts you know that should be a maybe down the road... i prob put new rockers and rods too if i port my heads... most likely! lol good luck man!

    i still have to find a ls6 cam, i have a ls1 tho.... lol.. going to sale that cam since i changed my mind lol... this will always happen
    99' Ext Cab 5.3l Soon to be sleeper!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Thumbs up Welcome To LS1Truck duc1256...

    Let us all know how the installation goes & how it performs!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Not sure how to put it nicely, but that's not true, and I hope you both don't do that.

    The ls6 cam will REQUIRE new valve springs. The 02-04 has .550 lift and the stock valve springs can't handle that.

    As far as the pushrods. 7.425 is optimal since the ls6 cam has a .050 smaller base circle, but I know of plenty of people who have ran the stock 7.4 and never noticed a single issue.

    Basically long story short you'll really only need the cam and springs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    Yeah, what he said. Don't keep the stock springs. Also plan on possible bent pushrods if the current tune allows 6000 RPM shifts that you need to make that cam sort of work in a stock 5.3.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Kerman, CA
    i figured the springs would have to be changed and i knew about the rods too, but i heard it doesnt have to be changed since its not really a problem... but i forgot to mention the springs! lol but i have a question if put this comp cam for the ls6 these are the specs Intake Exhaust

    Gross Valve Lift .605 .613 (Lob Lift .3560 / .3610)

    Duration @0.050 238 246

    Duration @0.006 287 295

    Lobe Separation 114.0

    do i need to do any else? i know its not the stock specs , so do i have to get or do something else to insure i dont mess anything up once i put this in?
    99' Ext Cab 5.3l Soon to be sleeper!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Kerman, CA
    COMP CAMS GEN III/LS1/LS6 Xtreme Energy XE-R Camshaft
    Part# 54-000-11
    Serial # K 7332-007


    Intake Exhaust

    Gross Valve Lift .605 .613 (Lob Lift .3560 / .3610)

    Duration @0.050 238 246

    Duration @0.006 287 295

    Lobe Separation 114.0

    it states its the most aggresive let me know
    99' Ext Cab 5.3l Soon to be sleeper!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    LOL, you put that cam in your truck, then you better run a 4400 stalling torque converter and forget about ever driving it on the highway.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    no way with that cam. You need some springs good for up to .620" lift. Double check the new revised 918s, they take more lift than the earlier ones ansd they're still the beehive design.

    BTW, thats about the same cam I run and I drive it on the highway all the time with a 3500 stall. Just made a 630 mile round trip to SanAntonio Friday with mine.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by RedHeartbeat View Post
    no way with that cam. You need some springs good for up to .620" lift. Double check the new revised 918s, they take more lift than the earlier ones ansd they're still the beehive design.

    BTW, thats about the same cam I run and I drive it on the highway all the time with a 3500 stall. Just made a 630 mile round trip to SanAntonio Friday with mine.
    You're also running a 408 stroker setup right? You've got 83 more cubes than us 5.3L guys.

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