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Thread: 5.3 questions

  1. #1

    5.3 questions

    just wanted some input from you guys. Ive got a 2000 chevy ext short 4x4 that im going to be moddin my question is does true dual exhaust make alot more power than a catback system? and how much power can you expect from a nelson tune over a super chip? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    True dual isnt going to add much more then a catback... And Nelson is just better all around... not just in hp gains.

    06 Intimidator SS- Tuned, CAI -DD
    03 Silverado- Last incarnation 13.6... RIP
    Ls1, Pnp heads, Polluter camshaft, spray, 4k stall on the way
    "Seize the day like you seize your noodle" - Shin Chan

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Wichita Falls, TX
    Honestly for the money I would definitely go nelson on the tune. As far as duals I didn't notice a whole lot more difference in my truck except that I was running a better muffler. It does offer more flow but in the 5.3 that's not that big of deal. You will notice more difference with a nelson tune over anything.
    2005 black Yukon XL SLT - traded in for me wife's new Fusion (GM sucks these days)
    2002 black Yukon SLT (the skinny sister)
    1969 green Pontiac GTO (Layla, AKA the black sheep)

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    San Antonio, TX
    Go with Nelson over any reprogrammer. They do a great job and are really helpful if you need to make changes. I have an 05 z-71 with the 5.3. The tune they did was very effective. I just decided to sell my truck and they gladly returned everything back to stock. The most cost effective thing you can do is a cam swap, aside from forced induction. I have a Vinci High Performance #112 Crane cam that I used for 4 months if you're interested. Good luck, contact Nelson either way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bandera, TX
    you dont need super open exhaust like true duals unless you are planning some serious power IMO. If you are leaving the cats its not going to be that much more flow anyway. A good 3" catback is more than most will need IMO. and the Nelson tune is leaps better than any hand held can do.
    single digit street truck

    for build info


    The best advice I have ever heard:... Only take B( . Y . )ST advice from someone that is CURRENTLY running a turbo setup close to, or bigger than what you want......

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    welcome. What are your goals? Start with bolt ons, gears, stall, cam, and tune.... Maybe even N20 or FI after that...
    2003 RCSS Chevy 5.3L Fully Bolted, Cammed, Yanked, and 342s. Borla Exhaust w/ Electric Cutouts.

  7. #7
    I don't have big plans for this truck since its an extended cab 4wd. just a cat back and a tune but i would like to get my hands on a 2wd single cab then i would go all out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Round Rock, TX
    Agreed, No need for duals, get yourself a Nelson tune and start there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Lake Village,Arkansas
    + + + + for a tuned pcm!!! Handhelds are a waste of money.
    2007 GMT900 RCSB 5.3L,AEM cai,Wheatley 93 tune,Pacesetter longtubes,O/R Y-Pipe,Dynomax ultra-flo,G80,410's,Circle D 3C 34-3600 stall,vette servo,1/8 mile p.b.8.98@78.67 mph BEFORE stall. New pb to come soon... Stay tuned for more...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Beaufort, SC
    Custom tune beats handheld every time. Good luck with killing those pesky Hemis lmao.
    Last edited by fishoops; 06-18-2009 at 10:20 PM.
    '04 Hemi QC - H/C/I/bolt-ons/tune - Sold

    '70 C10 SWB Stepside - LQ4/4L65E

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