will the wiring harness from my 2000 chevy that has a 5.3L work on a 6.0L from a 2005 and what mods will i have to do ( i know i need to get a tune after)
will the wiring harness from my 2000 chevy that has a 5.3L work on a 6.0L from a 2005 and what mods will i have to do ( i know i need to get a tune after)
Yes, it will work. You may have to swap the 5.3L intake onto the 6L for everything to be kosher. Swap the 6L injectors to the 5.3L fuel rail. Definitely get a tune on order and tell the tuner what the PN is of the injectors you're using.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709