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Thread: Can anyone help with a ls1 swap??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Fort Worth

    Can anyone help with a ls1 swap??

    If there is anyone here who lives in the dfw area that could help me with a swap i would really appreciate it. I started on it today going by the swap tutorial on the mechanic forum, and i got all the way to unbolting the trans and am ready to pull my hair out.

    Going in is a 2001 LQ4 and my truck is a 1999 Z71 1500.

    I actually live northwest of ft. worth off of Eagle Mountain lake.
    1999 Silverado 1500 Z71/5.3 to LQ4 6.0 swap/ CAI/ crappy exhaust/ tuned by COWL327

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    Late notice. I can help from afar soon or help near later maybe.

    Make sense?

  3. #3
    What problem are you having? taking things apart is the easy part.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Fort Worth
    I am just having trouble finding clearance to get to the tranny bolts...
    would ya'll recommend taking the intake off?

    I am also having trouble with the wiring harness that is underneath the engine.

    then lastley the AC pump wont unbolt all the way because one of the bolts hit something. Although I can get that off while i lift the motor.

    GasGuzzler...right over my head man.
    Last edited by TDK08; 03-23-2009 at 12:59 PM.
    1999 Silverado 1500 Z71/5.3 to LQ4 6.0 swap/ CAI/ crappy exhaust/ tuned by COWL327

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    intake off is the easy way to get to them.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Fort Worth
    Ok...took the intake off and got all 8 bolts off the trans.

    Then got off the 6 motor mount bolts.

    Then the two ground wires on the drivers side near the bottum, and lastly the hanger on the passenger side near the oil pan that holds those two metal pipes(dont know hwta they are).

    Now the new problem is i cant get the trans to seperate from the motor. i guess I am going to wait for my dad to get home from work, because the truck is on a slight incline since that was the only place to do the swap.(i did take off the three 8mm allan head bolt that hold the flexplate to the stall)
    1999 Silverado 1500 Z71/5.3 to LQ4 6.0 swap/ CAI/ crappy exhaust/ tuned by COWL327

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Fort Worth
    Got it!! Just took a little more muscle.

    When I got the motor out and started looking at them both and transfering parts i noticed the 2001 6.0 had something the old one didnt. On the drivers side of the engine near were the oil pan and motor join there are two metal pipes that join together near the rear into a square metal box. I will try to get pics tomorrow so maybe ya'll can help me determine what it is and if i need it.
    1999 Silverado 1500 Z71/5.3 to LQ4 6.0 swap/ CAI/ crappy exhaust/ tuned by COWL327

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TDK08 View Post
    Got it!! Just took a little more muscle.

    When I got the motor out and started looking at them both and transfering parts i noticed the 2001 6.0 had something the old one didnt. On the drivers side of the engine near were the oil pan and motor join there are two metal pipes that join together near the rear into a square metal box. I will try to get pics tomorrow so maybe ya'll can help me determine what it is and if i need it.
    those are oil cooler lines. since my 82 didnt have one i just bought a B&M oil cooler from summit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Fort Worth
    I see on my 5.3 were this would go, would i be wrong in assuming that i can take it off the 6.0 and not worry about it?
    1999 Silverado 1500 Z71/5.3 to LQ4 6.0 swap/ CAI/ crappy exhaust/ tuned by COWL327

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Newark, Delaware
    Yea, just swap the block with the tubes, with the cover that's on the 5.3. make sure the gasket is in good shape, if not get a new one.
    Big slow mud truck with a TUNE!!!!!!

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