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Thread: Coolant Problem

  1. #1

    Coolant Problem

    I am just wondering if anyone has had this same problem. I have an 01 silverado 4.8 about a month ago noticed that my coolant light came on so i added some and about 2 weeks later it did it again so i wanted to make sure that it wasnt an engine problem and there is no water in the oil thats a plus. I checked the other day and didnt see any coolant leaking from the water pump or at least i didnt see any. I noticed that under the passanger side it seems to have alittle more water than usual (ac) so not sure maybe it has been alittel humid but nothing out of the ordinary. If anyone has had this problem let me know thanks. And if i need to look other places let me know thanks.

    P.S do i need to let the truck run while i get under it to see if the water pump leaks or will it just leak while it is off or after it has been running awhile.
    Last edited by baldtcc; 11-11-2008 at 12:56 PM. Reason: adding info
    Work in progress.........

  2. #2
    ff_jeff Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by baldtcc View Post
    I am just wondering if anyone has had this same problem. I have an 01 silverado 4.8 about a month ago noticed that my coolant light came on so i added some and about 2 weeks later it did it again so i wanted to make sure that it wasnt an engine problem and there is no water in the oil thats a plus. I checked the other day and didnt see any coolant leaking from the water pump or at least i didnt see any. I noticed that under the passanger side it seems to have alittle more water than usual (ac) so not sure maybe it has been alittel humid but nothing out of the ordinary. If anyone has had this problem let me know thanks. And if i need to look other places let me know thanks.

    P.S do i need to let the truck run while i get under it to see if the water pump leaks or will it just leak while it is off or after it has been running awhile.
    How much is it leaking? I know when I first bought My truck, I added some coolant to top it off. I checked it a few days later, and it was lower. I added, it lowered. I thought the head gasket, or the water pump was bad, turns out it was just overflowing. If your light came on, chances are its either
    Water pump. If you look were the housing meets the block, there are weep holes. You should be able to see water there.
    Head gasket is worn. Older Graphite gaskets would ''blow'' causing sudden coolant/oil mixture or burniing coolant. Newer ones will have ''leaks'' that only let a little colant by. Oil may not appear milky, but it will look like there is too much oil.
    And I think the heater core is another spot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    Yep...the original style gaskets between the pump and the engine are known to leak. They usually leak cold, after sitting all night. The new style gaskets can fix this. They also leak from the weep hole (rarely). This requires a new pump. Many times the weep hole leaks happen more hot.

  4. #4
    I c so it is a good ideal since i need to pull the water pump off anyway to replace i should go ahead and put a new one on.... Any good ones out there or just a stock on will do thanks for all the info.
    Work in progress.........

  5. #5
    ff_jeff Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by baldtcc View Post
    I c so it is a good ideal since i need to pull the water pump off anyway to replace i should go ahead and put a new one on.... Any good ones out there or just a stock on will do thanks for all the info.
    If the weep holes are showing fluid, replace it. If not, I wouldnt. WHile you got the water pump off, go ahead and slap a new cam in there

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    The pump ain't cheap so I'd probably replace the gaskets if that was all that was leaking....unless you have a lot of miles. Of course mine started leaking from the weep hole soon after I bought it.

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