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Thread: They tell me Im crazy......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    They tell me Im crazy......

    Hey guys,

    First of all Im surprised Ive never come across this site before.

    Well, about my projects.....

    Ive always been a big fan of horsepower. It all started with a 96 S-10 for a winter truck, and then the minitruckin bug bit me, so a buddy of mine helped me decide what to do with the truck to get it closer to the ground. At some point in time I decided to stray alittle from the typical bagged S-10 and got my hands on an LS1 to make the truck more my style.

    Project LS10 was put on hold and almost forgot about while being buried in my garage amongst all my junk. Meanwhile I came across a deal on a 91 Syclone. After driving the Sy for a few months the waste gate stuck closed and cracked my block, I DESTROYED the motor.

    Soooo, it worked out pretty good that I didnt do much work on the S-10, because now the LS1 has been donated to my Syclone project and will be getting a pair of twins, while remaining AWD.

    Id still like to drop a V8 into the S-10, but thats not high on my priority list right now.

    I also have a 2004 Crew Cab Sonoma for a daily driver that I want to extend the frame on to put a standard size S-10/Sonoma bed on, and Im thinking about dropping a 5.3 in there when the time comes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Austin Tx.
    welcome to the site! that sucks your motor went kaboom but cool your gonna put an ls1 in it now
    1951 3100
    1984 C10

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    damn that sux, oh well at lease you had a spare waiting to go in

    welcome to ls1truck !!
    Simple: 408 on steroids!
    single digits coming soon!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Cool carnage photos.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    san marcos,tx
    Good to hear you getting that bad boy up and running again. What are you gong to do with the stock turbo parts mainly exhaust manifolds? I would buy them from you if you are going to sell them since mine are cracked beyond repair.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gmc6 View Post
    Good to hear you getting that bad boy up and running again. What are you gong to do with the stock turbo parts mainly exhaust manifolds? I would buy them from you if you are going to sell them since mine are cracked beyond repair.
    There were a couple other customers at the shop picking around in my old parts, I told the owner of the shop he could sell the parts and take the money off my bill. I will find out if someone snagged the manifolds.

  7. #7
    Welcome. You gonna turbo charge an Ls1 for it? ? ?
    99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Mobile, Al
    i was just watching trucks a week ago, and they had a cyclone with an ls1, twin turbo and awd. The guy on there said it was the only one in existance that possessed all three that he knew about. Here comes number 2!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Schertz, Tx
    Those are some nasty pics!!! Welcome to the site! Good luck on the triple threat project.

    07 Z71 4x4, 6.0L, 3.73s, Turbonetics T76 @ 10 psi, 75 shot, Snow meth kit, PLX DM-100 wideband gauge, Nelson tune, Comp 212/216 .557/.561 114 lsa, 60# injectors, Yank 3000, 4L80E , Magnaflow - dumped, e-cutout
    Line-X, Pace Edwards Full Metal Jackrabbit bedcover

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 20z7102 View Post
    i was just watching trucks a week ago, and they had a cyclone with an ls1, twin turbo and awd. The guy on there said it was the only one in existance that possessed all three that he knew about. Here comes number 2!
    DAMNIT!!! Lol, I can settle for number 2.......although Im not happy about it. Haha.

    I must have missed that episode somehow, I try to catch the powerblock everyweek. Im a Matco distributor and I get guys asking about the tools and they used on "insert project" all the time, so it helps if I saw the show lol.

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