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Thread: LS1 RACEDAY AWARD...Longest traveled

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bandera, TX

    LS1 RACEDAY AWARD...Longest traveled

    Just starting this to keep track of the money being offered for the longest haul to the meet in Feb. This will give the long haul guys a good reason to make the trip for a chance at the cash. I think the truck has to be driven, needs to make a pass, and would be cool to see it do a The primary reason for the trip has to be for the meet, not just stopping by on the way to a spring break destination. Let me know what you guys think. Here is what we have so far:$210 total

    GMCwantsLS1- $50
    murdered outgmc- $20
    rutroe- $20
    TurboMic- $20
    Show& Go- $10
    ff jeff- $10
    DBTBSS- $20
    Chevylee- $5
    SCIV- $10
    duckysbht- $10
    Damnyankee- $20
    mean05- $10

    Anyone that want to add or change just post up and I will keep track of it. If any other award ideas come up let me know.
    Last edited by TurboMic; 01-09-2009 at 02:59 PM.
    single digit street truck

    for build info

    The best advice I have ever heard:... Only take B( . Y . )ST advice from someone that is CURRENTLY running a turbo setup close to, or bigger than what you want......

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