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Thread: 10 bolt to 14 Bolt questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario

    10 bolt to 14 Bolt questions

    Ok like most of you my truck has the cute little 10 bolt and yes it's fine for whats in the truck now, but later on when the funds are there this little truck of mine is getting a FI 5.3 or 6.0 (depending on what I can find cheap enough) and it'll still be a standard so the 10 bolt ain't gonna last long. So my question is are our trucks the same as the OBS trucks as far as the 4x4 rear ends being that little bit wider? I'm not so much concerned about the width more moving the perches, not that I can't do it just kind of lazy. And if so, what 2wd trucks did the 14 bolt come in?
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    4 wheel drive trucks, 2wd silverado SS trucks, VHO trucks, and 454SS trucks all had the 14 bolt rears. All but the 454SS had 6 lug configurations. Going to a 4wd 14 bolt into a truck originally with a 10 bolt 8.5" rear, the 4wd rears are a little more narrow, about 3/4" in the OBS setup. The 4wd OBD 14 bolt goes right into and 10 bolt obs truck without modifications other than shortening the driveshaft.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    That's what I thought also until I started busting carriers. i guess the final question would be your ultimate HP goals.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    I was thinking somewhere around 400 to the wheels nothing extreme, but my concern was I want this thing to dead hook in the rain and thats what breaks stuff so.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

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