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Thread: edelbrock TBI to MPFI conversion....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    NAS China Lake California
    I have a problem. I need a new truck. I want a regular cab short bed 1500. The only problem is I can decide on wheather I want a 5.3, and just do basic mods from there. My other choice is a TBI 350 powered chevy. I was leaning towards the 5.3 BUT then I found out about that MPFI kit and the smog legal power package that edelbrock makes so the people in california dont feel forgotten. I was wondering if anyone has any opinions on that. I just want to get into the 14's with a daily driver, that wont be like a big block on gas, and pass smog with the mods. Any info would be apreceated, and thanks for putting up a GREAT site........HY-ME

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    LaPorte TX
    getting into the 14's is realitivly easy with the 5.3L
    and you shouldnt even have to break into the motor.
    couple of bolt ons,
    3.73, or 4.10 gears
    a built tranny
    and a 3,000 or higher stall and its in the 14's easy.
    Ive got a 4.8L rowing low to mid 14's

    oh and welcome

    1999 Pewter Z28
    Sold - 2001 Onyx Black Silverado Stepside "Thunder"

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