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Thread: 96 model gmc, 5.3 headers?

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  1. #1

    96 model gmc, 5.3 headers?

    my youngest brother is putting the finishing touches on his 96 gmc, it has a 5.3 installed and ready for life.

    one issue that caught him off guard, was how close the driver side exhaust down pipe, is to the frame. its tight enough that the brake lines needed to be moved.

    will the available shorty headers provide more clearance in this area, aka be tighter to the block or is there really no difference?

    LSX conversions, so easy a caveman can do it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Post some pics, I haven't seen many issues on the drivers side. You won't gain much clearance with shorties if the factory manifolds don't fit.

    97 GMC, 2002 LS6.

    1991 GMC Syclone #1428

  3. #3
    The exh manifolds clear fine, they sit about an inch above the frame anyway.

    If the available shorty headers are like most shorties and meant as a direct replacement with no modification to the existing pipe, then your right, but Im not sure if that is the case?

    Its not a big deal, the exhaust man can put a slight curve there and it will work fine but...still wondering.
    Last edited by LSXmyford; 08-04-2008 at 06:07 AM.
    LSX conversions, so easy a caveman can do it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    mine were close but never touched....

  5. #5
    can I buy a noun?

    could you be more specific..your headers...your exhaust manifold...your third cousin once removed?
    LSX conversions, so easy a caveman can do it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    That is the exact same reason that I put an Fbody manifold on that side.

    I didnt want to move the brake lines and have the exh pipe that close to the frame.

    Makes it a whole lot easier....I'll get a pic tonight!
    89' GMC RCSB 6.0L LQ4, T56, 4.56 Gears

  7. #7

    Beginning to think it was a fluke.
    LSX conversions, so easy a caveman can do it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I don't have the best drivers side pictures but my long tube headers and mid length S&P's both clear the brake lines without issues. It must just be a manifold issue.




    97 GMC, 2002 LS6.

    1991 GMC Syclone #1428

  9. #9
    we were under the impression there were no long tubes for the 96 conversion.

    does S&P have a website? I punchedin s&p headers in google and got bunch of results that were posts, I checked this sites sponsors and found nada.
    Last edited by LSXmyford; 08-04-2008 at 03:59 PM.
    LSX conversions, so easy a caveman can do it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    S&P only has mid length headers but they work. The long tubes on my truck are the production headers I'm making. I'm just waiting for the tooling to get here and I'll be in business.

    97 GMC, 2002 LS6.

    1991 GMC Syclone #1428

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