I apologize for my lack of experience, but I am learning all the lingo and jargon for this site. I'm just full of questions tonight.
Does "OBS" mean "other body style," or is it something else?
I apologize for my lack of experience, but I am learning all the lingo and jargon for this site. I'm just full of questions tonight.
Does "OBS" mean "other body style," or is it something else?
OBS = old body style 88-98
NBS = new body style 99-2007 classic
NNBS = slang for Newest New body style
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
Thanks, RedHeartbeat, for the info. I am a little clearer now on what everyone is talking about in their posts.