2003 5.3 liter vortec 35000 miles 91 day warranty, run and tested before removal, all accessories, computer,harness for 950$ plus 175 shipped to my door? lemme know what yall think.
2003 5.3 liter vortec 35000 miles 91 day warranty, run and tested before removal, all accessories, computer,harness for 950$ plus 175 shipped to my door? lemme know what yall think.
Sounds like a bargain to me. I'd jump on it. You should see how much more to get the transmission.
good bargain,i worked at a chevy dealership for a long time and we were getting v8's for that low of miles our price like 1200-1500 in michigan
he wants 500 for the tranny w/o shipping is a 4l60e but im going to be using a t56 so i really have no need unless to resell but thats just more stuff i gota get rid of :p
Sounds like a good deal to me for your neck of the woods. Here in TX we get them for a lot less but we have a lot more trucks here.