motor & trans are from an 02 camaro. i'm putting them in my 96 fullsize chevy. my main questions to start are about motor mounts & drive shaft.
i've searched the forums but can't seem to find definate answers so hopefully someone can answer them here.

i've been told some motor mounts push the engine & trans back & i'll have to get my drive shaft shortend.
i've also been told there's mounts out there that put the LS1 in the factory position & everything will work fine.

next is the trans question. is the trans from the camaro the same length as the on in my truck now?
i was told the camaro trans is shorter so my drive shaft will have to be made longer.

i see a lot of people doing this swap but nothing ever mentioned about modifing the drive shafts.

if anyone can shed some light on these questions for me it would be greatly appreciated.