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Thread: New and overwhelmed by info.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Long Beach California
    why are you going carb? is it because your used to carbs and afraid of FI? if so, so was i. but after doing the swap and learning about fuel injection, its honestly the way to go. WAAAAYYY more benefits over carb... and if your motor is already set up for fuel injection, just run with it and learn it. especially since carbs are being "phased out" most especially if its a daily. if your an old school carb tuner/tinkerer for racing, then cool. but daily or new, just stick with the pcm. get a scanner and your life will be much simpler. just my two cents...
    Like Tumbler in "Gone in 60" I'll drive anything with wheels or without

    My 95 ECSB LQ9 build thread - http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/lsx-t...to-95-obs.html
    Stock 03 LQ9, DBW, 95' 4l80e w/ Transgo shift kit, 2010 50# GM injectors, 2800 Circle D stall, Spectre CAI, Upgraded trans cooler, Home-made E-fans/shroud, Dual EP-381 fuel pumps w/Home-made hotwire kit
    NEXT ON LIST: Dual Battery setup, CAM/Valvetrain upgrade, Build my own rear mount turbo, TRU-TRAC, HIT THE STRIP!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    warwick ny
    Just so you know the 5.3 and 6.0swap is exactly the same as the 5.7 swap. All the ls motors are the same size on the outside.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Thank you for that info I am learning, so I appreciate not being talked down to. That was part of my initial question, is it a universal swap for the 5.7 as the 5.3 or the 6.0. I knew from research it should be but was not 100 percent sure of it, so thank you @gagliano.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Hey gagliano, thx for the info again. I have a non ac 84 c10, what LS TRUCK brackets for accessories do I need? I know it's alternator, water pump, idler n tension, but do I need the power steering pulley bracket? Sorry in advance for such a simple question for most but I am making sure I do my homework with the help of others as well as researching.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Las Cruces NM
    You'll need a truck water pump, truck accessory Bracket. It holds the alternator and p/a pump. I believe you'll also need a truck balancer as they are different than the cars. Everything bolts on the drivers side of the engine. The tensioner will bolt to the water pump on the pass side. Just try and get it all from the same truck that way you'll be able to get all the bolts and stuff. Keep whatever p/s pump is on the truck LS bracket.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Okay cool, I'm going to the boneyard on Saturday , what year truck do you think is the best to get it from? P/a? Did you mean p/s?
    Last edited by Steve'84in; 04-01-2014 at 01:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Las Cruces NM
    Oh, yes p/s. Not sure how new you can get but for sure 99-04 will work.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Okay nice. I talked to sales at dirty dingo and for the p/s to use the one on my truck he said I would need this... http://dirtydingo.com/store/product_...=1414&CDpath=8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Dillan, I don't need to do anything for the throttle cable to the pedal do I? Also can you explain to me about the fuel pump you listed, as far as why I need it and where and how to I install that.i can't find anything related to the fuel pump how to? Also I wan to run 350t, what adapter and hardware to I need to adapt the engine to that tranny? Also, after researching can I change my tank on my 84 to a newer chevy to make it easier to hook up to the engine? Thx man.
    Last edited by Steve'84in; 04-01-2014 at 03:24 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Now for EFI I want simple for now , and with the modern conversion parts that are out my hp gains will be at most 10-15hp less. Also I want simplicity and not ecus and harnesses. This will not be a DD, but wil be a street rod kinda setup for the weekends, and is a project for me and my dad since he has never done this and I too, wee don't wanna fight about what goes in there. He just rebuilt gmc Sonoma and a gmc full size that both have all the ecu harness etc. I'm sure this will be a break from those trucks.now the benefits of carb and EFI and my main concer is getting this engine in and making the wheels go for now . I would like info though on how to do everything as I am learning an new to this, but want to so my research before I do my project, and order parts then test down the truck. @kewijay

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