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Thread: Look what i got for $850!!!! lq4 harness computer and 4l80E!!!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    mansfield texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaridar View Post
    I got this whole setup for 850! I am putting it into my 1980 K10 4wd I need a few parts but this is one hell of a deal!!! i just need to figure out how to make one of the 1/2ton t cases work... or maybe get an old one from a 3/4 or 1 ton. anyone know? thanks! and tell me what you think of this deal.... from the salvage yard 30 day warranty on both... not sure on the mileage because the interior of the truck got burned... thanks!
    Nice catch!! Ill add pics of the k5 we are doin right now!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sioux Lookout, Ontario
    Not sure which case you are chasing, but a np241 should do the trick. Somewhere between 88-92 is what you're looking for, obviously passenger side drop. Somewhat hard to find. Not only will it allow for hookup to your auto trans, but also has vss, which is important. The adapter (if the 241 is behind a 700r4) should be the same at the 80e I think, but don't take that to the bank. Worse case, sell off the 80 and get a 60, I know they bolt up for sure.

    I don't know why everyone is scared of DBW. I prefer it now that I've tried it
    See this thread

    It would actually be easier to keep the dbw. If you go cable, you need to switch throttle bodies, change ecm, run cables, etc. With dbw, all you need to do is find a pedal assembly with the wire and matching tac module. It just plugs in and goes. There is no lag, there is no performance loss at all. Plus, if you keep vss, you get cruise control for free.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sioux Lookout, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaridar View Post
    i was going to ask someone to elaborate on why they prefer cable.. also i was going to ask if throttle response can be changes by tuning.. guess you answered that.. can abs and traction control and any other things im not using be removed from the ECU by tuning and then just depin them out of the harness and run without? im putting it in a K10 and wont need alot of stuff..

    I think my major issues will be a pedal and the T Case... i think i can just get a pedal assembly and some wire connectors and wire that up... i have the TAC. also i will need an ODBII plug to wire in... thanks guys!
    Everything computer related can be tuned out with ease. Any capible tune can do it. You can turn just about anything on or off. ABS is controlled by a seperate computer, non pcm related I believe. Same with traction control. Emissions like charcoal canister, EGR (if applicable), rear O2 sensors, etc are not an issue. Many places do stock harness modifactions. See lsx-harness.com

    OBDII is very simple, something like 3-5 wires to hookup, thats it. Pedal harness just plugs into tac module, and tac module plugs into ecm.

  4. #24
    Finally did a compression test... engine is not able to run yet.. so it was cold.. .and i forgot to open the throttle plate... but got 180 psi +- 5 at all cylinders...

  5. #25
    WOW! I can't believe it's been over two years since I got this engine/ trans. I moved/ got married/ child on the way/ and getting promoted.. Been Very busy to say the least. So I apologise for not being on here.. No excuses though. I also had been concentrating on getting my Mazda wankel turbo project somewhat finished.. I hope to start working on this swap again sometime soon...

  6. #26
    So I know I already asked this but just wonder if now, two years later, has anyone done the 4l80e 4wd swap into a square body (real square body 1980) half ton with passenger drop front shaft? What YMM works best with VSS and is HEAVY DUTY? Thanks!

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