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Thread: New guy from FL. Contemplating 454ss to LS swap...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    New guy from FL. Contemplating 454ss to LS swap...

    Hey guys, I've been combing over this site for the past few days. Lots of good info to be had here. I'm contemplating doing an LS swap on my 1992 Supercharged 454SS truck.

    More specifically, doing an LQ4 swap with L92 heads and LS3 intake. Seems like a good budget upgrade. Also, hoping to get something better then the 10mpg I get now. I already have a 4L80E & 14b-SF w/4.10s I'd just run the LQ4 w/my present driveline setup.

    I've read lots of threads here and seems like lots of other OBS guys have done similar swaps on their trucks. I realize I'm comparing apples (454 TBI) to oranges (LS engines) here, but would really like to hear from the OBS guys who have done this swap. I haven't really read anything about how people are enjoying their swap, performance comparisons/gains, and if they would do it over again...

    So lets hear some opinions from those who have done this swap...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I need pics of your truck right now.... I love those 454ss trucks. I would love to find a beat up one and swap it to a 454 lsx motor. For me it depends on the current condition of the truck. If its in good condition keep the big block. If the truck is beatup swap it. Yes you can do it. Get a harness and tune from NP and the dirty dingo motor mounts. That will get you a good part of the way on your swap.
    ECSB 2kSierra 2wd 4.8L-K&N-HPtuners-Calspeed LT's-Magnaflow-Tahoe20's-HankookRH06

    waiting to go in... 3.90s, 214/220cam

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Believe me I would love to swap a 454 LSX into it as well, but my bank account won't allow me too... lol The truck is in good shape. Just not sure if the engine is in tip top shape right now. I think it may need a rebuild. So with that in mind, I'm basically contemplating rebuilding the 454 or going the LS route. Here's a few pix..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wow not too bad. I would prolly keep it stock if anything if it were mine, but keep in mid a budget 6.0 swap will prolly cost around 3-5k. I bet you could rebuild the motor for less than a grand. I know those things have crazy torque and with that Paxton on there it must be real fun, but how do you keep that thing breathing? I know the fuel system is crap on those trucks.
    ECSB 2kSierra 2wd 4.8L-K&N-HPtuners-Calspeed LT's-Magnaflow-Tahoe20's-HankookRH06

    waiting to go in... 3.90s, 214/220cam

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ya, I'm still mulling over rebuilding vs updating/swapping. The only issue I have with rebuilding it is I do not want to invest in updating antiquated technology, so right now I'm leaning towards the LS swap...But still not 100% set on it. If I rebuild the 454 I'd prob get new heads, cam, manifold, etc..As whats in there now is stock and fairly anemic. In the end, I think it would be somewhat close to the same cost as doing LS swap. Since it would be close to the same cost, the LS swap seems more logical as it could be used as more of a DD/Pro-touring truck. IDK, I'm open to hear everyone's opinion here on this...

    Ya, it has crazy torque, real fun to drive.. Pretty much blows the tires off up till around 50mph. Just cant drive it too far w/o making constant stops to the gas station. haha. I upgraded to a Walbro 255 pump, an aeromotive VRFPR and it's been tuned with the EBL. It has plenty of fuel to spare now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    nice 454.. i have a 91 1500 im getting ready to do the 5.3 4l60 swap in. those ss are definately one of the best made.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Ottawa, ON
    That is a beautiful truck, I'd honestly keep it stock if it were mine. Or if I had a crap load of money I'd do a 454 LSX, that's the only way I'd do a swap in a 454SS.
    2000 Chevy Silverado RCSB LS6 5 speed, LS6 short block, 317 heads, LS6 intake, Lunati 220/224 .575/.575 112LSA cam, Edelbrock Headers, CTS-V accessory drive, Nelson Performance Custom Tune.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sofla chris View Post
    nice 454.. i have a 91 1500 im getting ready to do the 5.3 4l60 swap in. those ss are definately one of the best made.
    Thanks, I will def be following your build thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by 00shortbox View Post
    That is a beautiful truck, I'd honestly keep it stock if it were mine. Or if I had a crap load of money I'd do a 454 LSX, that's the only way I'd do a swap in a 454SS.
    Appreciate it. I'm about 51% decided on going the LSX route. The stock 454SS engine itself isn't all that special, they came in Suburbans and 2500s during the same years. I'm thinking 6.0 and 6speed would make a fun daily driver, put out decent power and good mpg too. If I pull the trigger I'll start up a build thread. If the LSX 454's were more affordable then I would for sure swap one of those in no question.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Its your truck and a pretty awesome truck. If it were mine I would leave it alone and find another truck to do an ls swap on. To be honest its going to break my heart to see you pull the supercharged 454 out !

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I agree with the guys, In my mind that is a matching numbers truck. You don't see very many of them, and honestly an LS swap isn't really that special because everybody and there brother is doing one. Good luck on your decision!!

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