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Thread: Can't we all just get along?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Can't we all just get along?

    Woah Woah Woah boys things are getting a little heated in here why all the hate. Lets all chill out and remember these are just Trucks which means that its just a hobby for 95% of us. The other 5% who make a living off this stuff like Allen, DBRods and Casey at least they have their name and job on the line. The rest of us could just about disappear off the site and not have it affect our lives. Why all the hate show a little more respect to one another and stop all the trash talk. I don't mean the healthy stuff like rivalries between G and Parker. I mean this stupid crap where everyone gets offended over stupid crap.
    Quote Originally Posted by sprayedenali View Post
    your wheels look like (explicative)
    Quote Originally Posted by michaelweston1@yahoo.com View Post
    Well good for them, maybe they will keep there retarted comments to themselves.
    Quote Originally Posted by pl4yboy View Post
    Why don't you ask for a gun to kill yourself with.
    Quote Originally Posted by 2boostedSilverado View Post
    I know you can do it, just get in touch with your inner queer !
    Remember your classes at the beauty saloon, or the house decor.
    I have faith on u....not ! Lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Duct_tape123 View Post
    Gotta love the nutswingers
    All of this crap wouldn't be said by most anyone in a sober face to face situtation so lets keep stupid crap to ourselves. Opinions everyone are entitled to, but keep it reasonable and don't get offended at every little thing. Its the internet not gonna make or break your pride. Let's keep this place helpful and fun. Instead of a typing war.
    ECSB 2kSierra 2wd 4.8L-K&N-HPtuners-Calspeed LT's-Magnaflow-Tahoe20's-HankookRH06

    waiting to go in... 3.90s, 214/220cam

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    i agree ..new guy joins the site that i personally know and gets bashed right away...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Dallas/Plano, Texas
    Yeah this isnt some teenage roleplay forum or something... I enjoy seeing two people have a friendly rivalry but some stuff is just too far/ much

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    I agree. Having this site be a big part of my life, business and personal, I have to control what I say and show more respect. It really pays off in the long run.

    I think if others had more on the line, we'd all get a long.

    This would be a good time to state that, our new Moderators (unbiased and unknown to the public) are going to start cleaning up the site and weeding out the trouble makers.
    Lately, there's just too much trolling and unrelated bs posted.
    Please don't take this as a threat or anything like that, just a friendly reminder, if you can't get along with others, this isn't the only site to hang out at.

    On a different note, if we do start getting along, this could be one of the best, tight nit, closest technical communities online.
    Sure there are larger ones, but what admin is doing in the background is getting us at the top of a lot of google search results.
    This site is steadily growing faster than most larger sites out there.
    This means more traffic, more members, more opinions, so for the sake of the community, lets try to get along while standing behind your opinions.
    Happier members, mean a bigger LS1Truck meet next year!!

    thanks for being part of the site and see you dorks online!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I will say I'm glad to be one of the members that joined when the site was much smaller. It's cool to be sort of a senior to the site I guess.

    I agree that keeping it clean and getting along makes a big difference in how this site is portrayed by others. We are the Ls1Truck community!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by EmmerichLSx View Post
    I will say I'm glad to be one of the members that joined when the site was much smaller. It's cool to be sort of a senior to the site I guess.

    I agree that keeping it clean and getting along makes a big difference in how this site is portrayed by others. We are the Ls1Truck community!
    But hate will not go away that easy!

    I can back up all you want, but as soon as any other hater enters and smash things I react.

    And I have said those things in Allens face person to person, and worst.

    And can do it sober to anyone. I'm just a real born hater.

    But for the sake of the site, I will back up and take a valium every time I enter the site.

    And will promise to avoid those true site haters here.

    I apologize to everyone (Allen is not included)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Washington DC
    I hate all of you........

    .......except all of you's guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Crowder, OK
    I think anyone that knows me personally will let you know, I'm a bigger prick in person than I am on here. If someone is going to lie, act like a douche, or be a tool, they deserve to be treated as such.

    You have no idea about the Parker and G thing. It used to be worse than anything you've seen on this forum guaranteed. Which brings me to my final point... you haven't gained the respect of anyone here so your opinion doesn't mean much
    Last edited by pl4yboy; 07-07-2011 at 10:06 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by pl4yboy View Post
    I think anyone that knows me personally will let you know, I'm a bigger prick in person than I am on here. If someone is going to lie, act like a douche, or be a tool, they deserve to be treated as such.

    You have no idea about the Parker and G thing. It used to be worse than anything you've seen on this forum guaranteed. Which brings me to my final point... you haven't gained the respect of anyone here so your opinion doesn't mean much
    this is true alot of me and parkers old post have been deleted over the BS we caused, even over on PT the got deleted i think he even got banned at one point, over the years we've settled are differences and its more friendly now, but believe me it took a few years to settle down, we bashed each other in any post no matter what web site it was, and yes justin (playboy) is a much bigger ass in person i agree there is alot of BS going on here recently, but if i end up getting banned because i mouthed a lightning driver than so be it, if another checks in ill mouth him to this is LS1truck.com not generaltruckforum.com the more senoir members remember the fiasco that started between this site and that lame lighting site, although i had a big part in that


    2017 RZR 1000 2 SEATER
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    2023 300S 5.7
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    The difference between winning and losing, is having a 2nd stage.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Washington DC
    Quote Originally Posted by pl4yboy View Post
    You haven't gained the respect of anyone here so your opinion doesn't mean much. I'm a bigger prick and deserve to be treated as such.

    Here ya go Justin. Fixed

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