Your truck won't over heat I did the same thing as u did about a year ago and never put the shroud back on and haven't ever gone past the half way mark on temp
Your truck won't over heat I did the same thing as u did about a year ago and never put the shroud back on and haven't ever gone past the half way mark on temp
[QUOTE=oleshifty;407932]OH EM GEE! ANOTHER FACTORY FREAK! our trucks defy the laws of physics :
Last edited by americanracing20; 01-16-2011 at 03:34 PM.
ya...ive never had a problem either. after towing my camaro for 7 hours 2 summers ago, I was sitting at a redlight with ac on, and temps got a lil bit above 1/2 way, but that was only time.
blown transmissions are about as useful as 97% of the guys on this forum
hell maybe GM should quit making the fan shroud on the 2500 and up trucks since apparently they are just extra weight and cost money to make. You guys are crazy you might as well take the fan clutch and fan off if you aren't running a shroud. As far as how much air a corectly opperating fan clutch can pull well it depends on engine RPM, electrics will always outperform at idle however fall greatly behind in cooling capacity at high engine rpm's if your fan clutch has ever fully engaged you would hear the obvious differnece in air movement but you likely have never heard it if you aren't running a shroud since you have one of those much sought after permacool engines. This is good stuff guys...
Last edited by americanracing20; 01-16-2011 at 03:35 PM.
Idk I drove my truck for over 2 years and my efans never came on I didnt think they even worked until one day it got hot as hell outside and they kicked on, id say if youre gonna have efans by summer I wouldnt even hassle with a shroud
2017 RZR 1000 2 SEATER
2023 RZR 1000 XP 4
2008 LTZ DURAMAX 3500
2023 300S 5.7
The difference between winning and losing, is having a 2nd stage.
Ok the only possible way this could happen is if you never turned on your air conditioner. Which may be the case but there is like two weeks out of the year here in arizona that my ac doesn't get turned on at all and guess what if the ac is on you better have a shroud or you will cause the compressor to cycle from high pressure and that means early failure. Same with electrics if you haven't noticed if you let your truck idle with the ac on the efan will cycle on and off if it doesn't well the ac will quite simply not work sorry to burst your little bubble but I am pretty certain your fans are coming on you just aren't aware that it is happening.
Simple: 408 on steroids!
single digits coming soon!
well...mine are ran off of a switch. So they don't just magically turn on. A lot of our trucks didn't come with efans from the factory. Knowing lambo...he doesn't have AC (might wanna check out his garage...he has one of the faster 5.3's on this site....he even took off his clear coat to save weight). OP said he put the shroud back on, so I'm not sure why this is even still under discussion, but they are NOT required. I drove my truck for a while with no fan at all. I now have efans and barely use them. If my AC is on, I turn them on, but the truck won't magically burst into flames if I forget. It may lower the lifespan of the AC compressor, but going WOT isn't good for accessories either. Especially with higher horsepower engines. Not sure they were designed for that sort of jolt. When I'm not using my AC, only time those fans get turned on is if I'm sitting in traffic for extended periods of time (which rarely happens)
blown transmissions are about as useful as 97% of the guys on this forum