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Thread: EGR and A/C questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    OK , I know a lot of people just remove the EGR and forget about it . I was told by an auto technician that the EGR keeps cylinder temperatures down by recycling nitric oxide gases , which accomplish this by being uncombustible . He said that it wouldn't hurt the engines in the short run , but in the long run, by shortening the lives of the rings and pistons . Looking for some input on this . The A/C setup from S & P requires you to remove the EGR . Has anyone gotten around this and relocated the EGR ?
    My other question concerns the A/C itself . On my older system , there was a high pressure shutoff switch , but the Trans Am didn't have one because it has a "variable speed clutch "(?) . The Sandin 508 compressor from S & P does not have this type of clutch , but of course the LS 1 harness doesn't have a plug for this type of shutoff switch . Anyone have any input on this one ? Gracias in advance , Dudes .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Conway, AR
    How is it going to hurt the engine, the '03s and up dont have them, I think even 02 might not have them. IMO, I think the EGR is useless, I took it off my 99 and had Allen delete the codes.

    2009 Silverado, HPTuners, all stock.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    There is a low pressure cycling switch on your old accumulator(silver looking can on the evapator unit) that you can use for the AC request signal to the PCM. There is also a high pressure switch from your trans-am (a 3 wire pressure sensor) that you will need to install on your system so the PCM can sense the pressure. I had mine hooked up this way at first, then I found out I have the variable displacement compressor so I didn't need the low pressure switch. If this doesn't make sense to you I can take pictures. As for EGR they eliminated it with the cam profile on the newer models, but I don't think it would cause any engine harm to run without it.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thanks for the responses . Yes , the low press. switch is still located on the evap canister . It's the high press. shutoff switch I'm concerned with since the Trans Am harness doesn't have a plug for this one - or does it ? The only plug that's available , I thought , is the one to activate the clutch on the compressor . This isn't the one you're speaking of is it , GMC ? The wires for this plug have the silver insulation wrapped around them . The new Sandin compressor has a single pin , single wire only .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    It has a three wire plug for the high pressure in a triangle shape. The plug almost looks round.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

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