Won't make it to SAR for sure. Prolly another month of two of warm weekends to get it drivable. No hurries here.
Just saw Mike again today had to get a new tank to sending unit o-ring, be there in the morning. I got a spare just in case.
Fuel gague, I haven't tried to hook it up yet. I'm scared lol. Im not 100% on what year my cluster is, so we will see if its just the purple wire or not.
The intake was a hell of a deal. Like $75 bux off of CKresto.com Cut off the mounting bracket and had to get a pvc spacer and a rubber hose thing from home depot to scooch it off the throttle body so tat it missed the pullies. Two extra clamps, but it seams together quite nice. Since I moved the battery to the driver's side it fit without too much massaging. I still have to box off the bottom of the...air intake box and it should be sealed quite well from underhood heat.
Tonight i attempted to wire in the DLC connector, but my fingers froze off. Temp gauge is not hooked up yet so i plan on having live readings from computer to bring it up to operating temp. Hoping for sunshine tomorrow!
1991 Silverado ECLB