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Thread: Morphing a Sierra with a Silverado

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Southeastern Wisconsin
    dang thats awesome. Looking good, sweet to see that you got one truck out of two. You sure the fuel filter isnt on the drivers side frame rail facing the inside of the frame?? Thats where mine was it was super easy to change, guess i only have a 1500 though.

    I want some vids! and more pics.

    keep up the awesome work
    1999 GMC Sierra SLE ECSB .... 5.3L w/ Slight Performance Tune / True Duals with Flo Pro Glass Packs.

    Project ''Bad Company'' Future = 6.0L (Forged Internals) / Boost (TVS) / 4L65E LvL 5 / AWD Conversion / Full LT's with Cats / Methanol Injection / Lowered 2" / SS Rims / Frame Up resto

    Officially Employed!!!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    wichita falls, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by 99sierra4x4 View Post
    dang thats awesome. Looking good, sweet to see that you got one truck out of two. You sure the fuel filter isnt on the drivers side frame rail facing the inside of the frame?? Thats where mine was it was super easy to change, guess i only have a 1500 though.

    I want some vids! and more pics.

    keep up the awesome work
    i think the 03 and up only have the in tank filter
    ↓↓↓click pic to go to garage↓↓↓

    408, WCCHL92s, nelson tune,4L80e 3600 Circle D,
    Intro Radicalli's

  3. #33
    ^^^^^ Yea in tank lifetime filter. I suppose you just change the filter when the pump goes? We will all find out in a couple of years right?

  4. #34
    Forgot to mention that I had the windshield replaced. Today I fit all the lights and grill. The connectors were exactly the same as the Silverado. Only difference is there are no hookups for the foglights. So I will just tie them out of the way in case I want to use them one day. Its looking like a truck now!

  5. #35
    You can see in the above picture how close the grill comes to the top of the bumper. I'm still not sure how to get around this because the holes in the bumper are going to drive me nuts. I may try sectioning the plastic bumper piece and then plastic weld it back together. Then paint it the color of the body along with the fender opening pieces. But as you can see the clearance is tight.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    2003's have an inline filter...so do the 2004's.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2008
    North Texas
    your bumper problem. see if you can pick a halfton bumper cap and have it painted when you do the rest the paintwork it should fit and look pretty good

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Southeastern Wisconsin
    looking good. what color are you going to paint the whole thing?
    1999 GMC Sierra SLE ECSB .... 5.3L w/ Slight Performance Tune / True Duals with Flo Pro Glass Packs.

    Project ''Bad Company'' Future = 6.0L (Forged Internals) / Boost (TVS) / 4L65E LvL 5 / AWD Conversion / Full LT's with Cats / Methanol Injection / Lowered 2" / SS Rims / Frame Up resto

    Officially Employed!!!

  9. #39
    Wow. I wish I had that much free time.
    99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by zeake View Post
    Wow. I wish I had that much free time.
    Hahah! Yea right free time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day right? I have a full time job a wife and kid and don't work on Sundays. Where do I get time to do this? I'll just say i'm very tired from getting 4 to 5 hrs of sleep a night! It was a crazy thrash to get it done by this Saturday. Once i'm finished then i'll take a good long break and just enjoy the truck for awhile.

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